Scheduling Accuracy Tuning for Roaming users

When you enable the Roaming feature, the Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer is disabled. Your Dragon administrator schedules Accuracy Tuning to run on the network storage location for Master Roaming user profiles. Dragon then copies any acoustic optimization performed to the Local Roaming user profiles during synchronization.

Before you begin

  • Install Dragon on the computer where Master Roaming user profiles are located, if possible.

    If this is not possible, ensure your system administrator computer has network access to the Master Roaming user profiles.

  • Ensure you have Windows Administrator privileges.

For more information on the Roaming feature and setting it up, see About the Roaming feature and Roaming feature setup checklist.

To open the Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer Scheduler:

  1. Click the Windows Start button.
  2. Select All Programs>Dragon>Dragon Tools>Acoustic and Language Model Scheduler.

To schedule optimization for Master Roaming user profiles:

  1. Select File>Set User Directory.

    The Set a Directory Containing User Profiles dialog box opens.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select the network storage location for your Master Roaming user profiles from the Last Used Directory drop-down list.
    • Click Browse to locate the network storage location.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select File>New Task.

    The Windows username and password dialog box opens.

  5. Specify your fully qualified Windows username (domain name\user name) and password, and then click OK.

    The Select Frequency dialog box opens.

    If your computer does not have a password, you must create one to schedule acoustic optimization.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To schedule optimization for one user profile:

      1. Select the User Profile Name and Dictation Source from the drop-down lists.
      2. Click OK.
    • To schedule optimization for multiple user profiles:

      1. Click Multiple User Profiles.
      2. Select user profiles and then click Add.
      3. Click OK.
  7. Select the frequency, start date, and start time.
  8. Select the Enabled check box if it isn't already.
  9. Click OK.

To remove one or more scheduled tasks:

  1. Select one or more tasks in the right pane.
  2. Select Options>Delete Selected Tasks.


Related procedures

Additional information

The Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer Scheduler About Accuracy Tuning
Roaming feature setup checklist About the Roaming feature
Upgrading Roaming user profiles About Roaming user profiles
  About Master and Local Roaming user profile synchronization