Roaming feature setup checklist

To configure the Roaming feature, you must start Dragon from an account with Windows Administrator privileges.

This checklist describes setting up the Roaming feature when you are not using Dragon in Nuance Management Center/NMS mode. If you've enabled this mode, you set up the Roaming feature in the Nuance Management Center (NMC) console. For more information, see the Nuance Management Center Administrator Guide.




A network storage location for Master Roaming user profiles

Can be one or more of the following:

  • File server
  • Web server with or without SSL
  • Any shared location accessible to other computers on the network

The location must:

  • Be accessible to all computers where users dictate with Roaming user profiles.
  • Have adequate storage space for Roaming user profiles.

    For more information, see Disk space requirements.

Dragon supports connections to the network storage location using mapped drives, UNC paths, and HTTP with or without SSL.

A supported Web server, if using a Web server for network storage

One of the following:

  • Microsoft IIS 6.0.

  • Digest authentication through a proxy server is not supported.

    Requires Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) to access and secure the user profiles on the Web server. Available free from

    If you are already running IIS 6.0 and have not yet installed the WebDAV component, use Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel and run the Windows Component wizard. For more information, see the IIS documentation.

  • Apache HTTP Server 2.0.54 or higher

    • WebDAV must be turned on.

      The WebDAV Apache module is available free from

    • Internet Roaming User—Redirects must be turned on when using Digest authentication.

Appropriate permissions on the directory that stores Local Roaming user profiles on each computer

Set to Read/Write/Modify access for all Windows user accounts for all users dictating with Roaming user profiles.

Before you begin

Have the following information available if you're storing Master Roaming user profiles on a Web server:

Setup checklist

Perform steps 1-3 on each computer where users dictate with Roaming user profiles.

Step Procedure Reference

Step 1

Enable the Roaming feature, set the location of Master Roaming user profiles, and test the connection.

Enabling the Roaming feature

Troubleshooting HTTP connections

Step 2

Set the location of the Local Roaming user profiles.

Setting the location of Local Roaming user profiles

Step 3

Set Roaming options.

Administrative Settings dialog box—Roaming tab

Step 4

Create Roaming user profiles

Creating Roaming user profiles

When the setup is complete, users can dictate with Roaming user profiles just as they would with non-Roaming user profiles. To begin, open a Roaming user profile.

For information on opening Roaming user profiles, see Working with Roaming user profiles

Related procedures

Additional information

Scheduling Accuracy Tuning for Roaming users About the Roaming feature
Working with Roaming user profiles About Roaming user profiles
Upgrading Roaming user profiles About Master and Local Roaming user profile synchronization