The Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer Scheduler

Use the Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer Scheduler to set up or revise the schedule for user profile optimization tasks. Because optimization can require a significant amount of your computer's resources, Nuance recommends that you schedule the tasks to run when your computer is idle.

When you attempt to schedule a task, Dragon prompts you for your Windows username and password. The user name must be a fully-qualified login name for the Windows session (domain name\user name). If you do not have a password for your computer, you must create one to access the Select Frequency dialog box.

Scheduled Accuracy Tuning cannot run if Dragon is open. Ensure all users exit Dragon before acoustic optimization is scheduled to run.

For more information on the Accuracy Tuning process, see About Accuracy Tuning.

To open the scheduler:

From the Windows Start menu, select Start>All Programs>Dragon>Dragon Tools>Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer Scheduler.

To schedule and unschedule tasks:

See Scheduling Accuracy Tuning with the Acoustic Optimizer Scheduler

The following table describes the columns in the right pane.

Option Description

User profile

Name of the user profile.

Dictation source

Input device used with Dragon. Profiles can have multiple dictation sources, such as a hand-held USB microphone or a bluetooth microphone headset. This indicates the dictation source the Optimizer is updating.


Name of the vocabulary to be optimized.


How often the Optimizer is scheduled to run, for example, daily, weekly, or once.

Next Run Time

Date and time the Optimizer is scheduled to run for this user profile.

Last Run Time

Date and time the Optimizer last ran for this user profile.

Last Result

Results of the last Optimizer run for this user profile. The options are:

  • No new data—There is no new acoustic data with which to optimize the Profile. Try again after you have done more dictation, saved corrections, and trained Dragon.
  • Not enough data—There is not enough acoustic data to run the optimizers. Try again after you have done more dictation, saved corrections, and trained Dragon.
  • Failure—An error occurred while the Optimizer was running. See the Dragon.log file located in C:\ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking15\logs\username.
  • Product in use—The Scheduler could not close Dragon. This might occur if there was a dialog box open on your Desktop.
  • Aborted by user—You clicked Cancel in the dialog box that prompts to run the Optimizer.
  • Not enough disk space—There is not enough space on your hard drive to run the Optimizer.
  • Success—The Optimizer ran successfully.


Name of the Windows user who created the Dragon user profile.


Related procedures

Additional information

Scheduling Accuracy Tuning in Administrative Settings About acoustic models
Scheduling Accuracy Tuning with the Acoustic Optimizer Scheduler About the language model
Scheduling Accuracy Tuning for Roaming users The Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer dialog box
  About Accuracy Tuning