Working with Structured Commands

Dragon includes an extension to Auto-Text commands that lets you set the values of variables in text blocks based on voice input.

You can create simple Auto-Text commands with variables in the My Commands Editor dialog box without having to do extensive programming in Microsoft® VBA.

  • For a list of the scripting commands and how to use them, see:

    Application states

    Structured commands let you control the action of a command based on the existence of a state in the application. For example, when you assign a state to each field in a form, the same command can perform different actions depending on which field is activated.

    You can use Advanced Scripting methods to control the states within structured commands or to set the initial state from a non-structured command. You can also create structured commands that prompt the user to select values from a predefined list.

    When the user speaks a command, the user is presented with a list of pre-defined values for the command. Once the user selects a value, the value is inserted into the correct location in the macro.


    Dragon includes several sample Auto-Text commands with variables and sample structured commands. You can import the samples into Dragon to use them as templates for your own commands. The sample commands are fully commented.

    For more information, see:


    For more information on the methods used by the sample commands, refer to the following:

    • Global Methods
      • SetState
      • GetState
    • EngineControl Methods
      • MyCommandsActiveState
      • PromptValue

    6/21/2018 1:43 PM