Importing Structured Commands

You can import existing structured commands, such as the Structured Commands Samples, into Dragon to use as templates for your own commands. Use the following procedure to import the sample structured commands that are supplied with Dragon:

To import the sample structured commands:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Center>Command Browser to open the Command Browser window.
  2. Click the Manage button on the Command Browser toolbar.
  3. In the Manage area, click the Import button, and in the Import Commands window choose MyCommands XML files from the Files of type list.
  4. Use the Import Commands window to browse to the directory. You'll find it in the following location:
  5. Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10:


  6. Select one of the sample .XML files (for example, sampletgv_restaurant.xml) and click Open.
  7. Click Yes on the Import Commands validation dialog box and then click Import on the Import Commands window to import the commands contained in the file.
  8. Note: The syntax of XML command files is defined by a document type definition (DTD) file that resides on the Nuance Web site. When you import an XML command file, the application gives you the option of validating the syntax of the XML file against the DTD. The validation step is useful if you receive a XML command file from another person and want to check it for syntax errors prior to importing it.

  9. Click OK on the success message and return to the Manage area of the Command Browser.

To examine the sample code

  1. Open the Command Browser and click the Manage button.
  2. Expand and select the appropriate item (for example, “<restaurant_type> Menu”)
  3. Click the To Script button and then click the Edit button.

The My Commands Editor dialog box opens with the command you selected entered into it. You can examine and modify the command with the My Commands Editor.

6/21/2018 1:43 PM