Structured Commands Samples

Dragon includes several sample Auto-Text commands with variables and sample structured commands. You can import the samples into Dragon to use them as templates for your own commands. The sample commands are fully commented.

Sample location

The sample commands are installed in:

  • Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10:
  • \ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking15\Data\<language>\samplecommands

A shortcut to this directory is available on the Windows Start menu. To open this directory, click Start > All Programs > Dragon NaturallySpeaking 15> MyCommands Samples. In Windows 8.1/Windows 10 My Commands Samples can be opened from the Apps screen.

Importing Sample Commands

You can import the samples into Dragon to use them as templates for your own commands. For information, see Importing Structured Commands


The following samples are included with Dragon:


    GroceryListSample_DragonPad.xml contains Advanced Scripting commands that simulate an on-line grocery order form in DragonPad. It demonstrates how to set and change command states, activating and deactivating various state structured commands, and how to use the command prompt. The voice command "Prepare Grocery List" causes the first section of a grocery list to display in DragonPad and sets a command state. Each section of the grocery list is designed to have a separate state. The voice command "What's Available" will prompt the user with a set of grocery list commands that are active in the given section.


    GroceryListSample_WordPad.xml contains Advanced Scripting commands similar to those of GroceryListSample_DragonPad.xml. It demonstrates how to set and change command states and to use the command prompt in WordPad and uses a different coding style. The same voice command "Prepare Grocery List" will start the grocery list in WordPad, activate the initial grocery list state, and prompt the user with a set of grocery list commands that are active in the given state. To read more about this sample and its commands, refer to the code comments in the XML file.


    SampleBoilerPlate_ColonCancer.xml contains Advanced Scripting commands that demonstrate how to use structured commands and the command prompt for standard text. This sample is modeled after a colon cancer checklist and is designed to work in Microsoft Word. The voice command "Colon Cancer Checklist" causes the standard text to display and takes the user, field by field, through the checklist.


    SampleBoilerPlate_EndoBiopsy.xml contains a single Advanced Scripting macro that demonstrates how to set up standard text and use the command prompt to guide users in filling the standard text without using states. This sample is modeled after an endoscopic biopsy report and is designed to work in Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007. The voice command "Prepare Endoscopic Biopsy Gross Template" causes the standard text to display and takes the user, field by field, through the report.


    SampleTGV_Restaurant.xml contains Auto-Textand Advanced Scripting commands that are used in DragonPad to simulate an ordering system for a Chinese and Japanese restaurant. This sample demonstrates how to set states for structured commands as well as how the same commands can be used to produce different results in different states. The voice command "Chinese Menu" or "Japanese Menu" starts the ordering system and activates the structured commands created for the given state. The voice command "Exit Ordering System" ends the ordering session.


    SetStateSample.xml contains simple Auto-Text commands that demonstrate how to use variables and text formats and Advanced Scripting commands to set and unset a command state. This sample is designed to work in DragonPad with the initial command "Sample Set State." When the command executes, a command state is set for DragonPad and a simple exchange of greetings is simulated between the user and the system. The user speaks the greeting, e.g. "Good Morning", and the system responds in bold red text. When the user says "Good-bye", the exchange is terminated and the command state is unset.


    SampleInjuryReport.xml together with demonstrates how structured commands and Microsoft Word templates can be used together to create a voice-enabled form filling environment. The template is a mock injury report with several text and check-box fields can be filled using the commands included in the XML file. You start a form filling session with the voice command "Edit Report" spoken in a new document based on the sample template. Both the template and the commands are designed to work in Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007.

6/21/2018 1:43 PM