Dragon TV

Create personalized, secure entertainment experiences

Nuance Dragon TV enables you to create frictionless experiences for your customers with personalized content recommendations, secure account access, and easy, voice‑based navigation.

Frictionless navigation. Effortless voice control. Secure authentication.

Nuance Dragon TV harnesses our AI technology to allow your customers to easily find the content they’re looking for, manage their accounts, and complete transactions—all with their voice.

Simple, secure, voice‑based navigation offers customers greater control over their entertainment experiences. Plus, Dragon TV recognizes individual voices to give speakers personalized answers with biometric authentication. With Dragon TV, customers can engage with account management and technical support seamlessly from the same interface they use to manage their TV experience.


More convenient TV experiences

Instead of using On Screen Keyboards or endless menus, Dragon TV helps you create superior entertainment experiences. Customers can easily search for content or recommendations—increasing customer satisfaction, improving stickiness, and boosting customer service efficiency.

Real-world business outcomes


uplift for paid content through voice


of voice transactions
can be monetized


of users still use
the service after
six months


What you get with Nuance Dragon TV

Let customers use the power of their voice to navigate naturally through the management of their TV experience, so channel surfing is even more enjoyable, accessing personalized services is faster, and finding movies and shows is far easier than with search menus.