Nuance Insights

Intuitive, omnichannel reporting and analytics

Your customers expect excellent service across all channels. Nuance Insights monitors and analyzes your omnichannel experiences for improved customer engagement and maximum ROI.

Are your customer service channels performing their best?

Your customers engage with you across many channels. Without the proper view, it is difficult to know exactly how your IVR, VA, messaging, and chatbots are performing. The impact poor performance can have on customer experience and your KPIs is huge.

Your net promoter score, your average handle times and your customer resolution rates all rely on how well your customer service experiences work individually and together. That’s why you need effective analytics and reporting to monitor and optimize your customer’s omnichannel experience. Nuance Insights delivers all that and more.

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Nuance Insights data sheet

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Understand performance across all channels

Nuance Insights is a powerful way to measure how your applications are performing. With detailed analytics and reporting capabilities, delivered with best‑in‑class data visualization, you can dig deep into how your channels are working, ensure they are supporting customers effectively, and ensure your business is getting the ROI it needs.


Comprehensive data. On any platform.

Nuance Mix

Nuance Insights supports applications built with Nuance Mix, our DIY tooling solution, ensuring organizations can build exactly the applications they need and have a full view into their performance.

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Analyze, optimize and visualize