Working with custom commands

Do not include secure information, such as credit card numbers or passwords, in your custom commands.


To execute a custom command:

Say the command name.

To edit a custom command:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Center>Manage Custom Commands.

    The Manage Custom Commands dialog box appears.

  2. Select a command in the list.
  3. Click Edit.

    The MyCommands Editor dialog box or the Edit Auto-Text Command dialog box appears, depending on the command type.

  4. Edit the command as necessary.
  5. Click Save.

To delete a custom command:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Center>Manage Custom Commands.

    The Manage Custom Commands dialog box appears.

  2. Select a command in the list.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Yes.

To export a custom command:

Use this procedure to share custom commands with other users.

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Center>Command Browser.

    The Command Browser appears. By default, your custom commands appear, sorted by group.

  2. Select one or more commands in the list, holding down the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple.
  3. Right-click the command, and then select Export.

    The Export Commands dialog box appears.

  4. Navigate to the folder where you want to export your commands.
  5. Type a file name for your exported .DAT file.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Copy the .DAT file to another computer to allow the user to import the commands.

To import a custom command:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Center>Command Browser.

    The Command Browser appears. By default, your custom commands appear, sorted by group.

  2. Select MyCommands>Import.

    The Import Commands dialog box appears.

  3. Navigate to the folder where the .DAT export file is located.
  4. Select the .DAT file, and then click Open.

    The Import Commands dialog box appears with all commands in the file selected by default.

  5. Deselect the commands that you do not want to import.
  6. Click Import.

    The import process begins.

  7. Click OK.


Related procedures Additional information
Creating Auto-Text commands About custom commands
Using fields with Auto-Text commands About variable fields and delimiters
Creating custom commands  
  Auto-Text Commands Editor
Managing your custom commands dialog box MyCommands Editor—Step-by-Step dialog box
Using fields with Auto-Text commands MyCommands Editor—Advanced Scripting dialog box