Creating a list of words and phrases to import

Using a word processor or Windows Notepad, you can create a list of words and phrases that you or another user can import into your Dragon vocabulary. You can also create a list by exporting the custom entries from a user's vocabulary. For more information, see Exporting and importing a list of custom words and phrases.

To create a list of custom words and phrases manually:

  1. Launch Windows Notepad or a word processor like Microsoft Word, and create a new blank document.
  2. On the first line of the document, type:


  3. Beginning on the next line, type a word or phrase you want to import. This will be the written form in Dragon. If you want the spoken form for it to be different, type two backslashes after the written form and then type the spoken form. For example, for the entry below, Dragon will write "MB" when you say "megabyte":
  4. MB\\megabyte

  5. Enter a line break and type the rest of the words and phrases, making sure to start each entry on a new line.
  6. Save the document as a TXT file.

Related procedures

Additional information

Adding words and phrases to your vocabulary About adding words and phrases to your vocabulary
Working with vocabularies  
Exporting and importing a list of custom words and phrases