About adding words and phrases to your vocabulary

You add words and phrases to your vocabulary to improve Dragon's recognition accuracy. When you add words and phrases, they are available only in the vocabulary you currently have open.

If you are using a Dragon edition where Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is enabled, your custom words and phrases may be available locally on any computer where you log in to Dragon. Your NMC administrator must have enabled the option to upload custom words in the NMC console. If this option is not enabled, your custom words are available only on the computer where you created them. Your custom words are available only to you.

Use the following to add words and phrases:

  • Vocabulary Editor—Allows you to add, edit, and delete words and phrases.
  • Add new word or phrase—Easiest way to add a word or phrase.
  • Spelling window—Allows you to spell words and then add them to the vocabulary.
  • Correction window—Allows you to correct words and then add them to the vocabulary.
  • Improve recognition of word or phrase—Allows you to train words and then add them to the vocabulary.
  • Learn from specific documents—Analyzes documents on your local drive and adds words not already present in your vocabulary.
  • Learn from sent e-mails—Analyzes Sent emails in your email applications and adds contact names to your vocabulary.
  • Import list of words or phrases—Imports words and phrases from a text file.

For more information, see Adding words and phrases to your vocabulary.

Related procedures

Additional information

Spelling words and phrases About your Active Vocabulary and the Backup Dictionary
Deleting words from your vocabulary About Vocabularies
  Improving accuracy