About word properties


Word properties allow you to fine-tune how Dragon types words you dictate.

Written vs Spoken

Use word properties to associate a written form with a spoken form of a word in cases where a word is not written as it sounds. Some examples are:

  • Say "Four O One Kay" to type "401K".
  • Say "john doe at mail dot org" to type "johndoe@mail.org".
  • Say "En Double A See Pee" to type "NAACP".

Default formatting

Word properties allow you to customize the default formatting of words in your vocabulary, which Dragon automatically applies to your dictation. For example, you might change a word's default formatting to:

  • Always insert a tab after it.
  • Always capitalize the next word.
  • Format numbers that precede it as roman numerals.

You can also create a new written form for a word by entering the text in the Printed form field.

Context formatting

Like default formatting, context formatting is a way to customize the way Dragon formats a word , but here, you can associate formatting with a written form of the word. Some examples of how to use this are:

  • For "Massachusetts", use the written form "MA" when there is a number after the word, as in a Zip code.
  • For "megabyte", always type "MB" when there is a number before the word.
  • Always type "+" when you say "plus" between two numbers.

If you define word properties and also enable Smart Format Rules, any time you edit dictation that Dragon formatted automatically according to the word properties settings, Dragon alerts you of the potential conflict. For more information, see About Auto-Formatting rules.



Where to configure

In the Vocabulary Editor. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Vocabulary Center>Open Vocabulary Editor. Search for a word, select it, and then click Properties.


Related procedures

Additional information

Working with Smart Format Rules About Auto-Formatting rules
  About formatting text automatically
  Auto-Formatting dialog box
  Vocabulary Editor dialog box
  Word Properties dialog box