Word Properties dialog box

Tools>Vocabulary Center>Open Vocabulary Editor>Properties button

Use this dialog box to view and customize the properties of words and phrases in your user profile's Active Vocabulary.

For more information, see About word properties.

You cannot change the Word Properties of some dictation commands, like "Caps On" and "Caps Off".



Spoken form

Pronunciation of the word, phrase, or command. Dragon uses this to recognize your spoken words and phrases. Specify a spoken form only if it is different from the written form.

You specify the spoken form to:

  • Provide pronunciations for words that Dragon might not understand easily. For example, for the name Hsueh-tze, you could specify spoken form "shoo tsee".
  • Expand acronyms that might use in your dictation. For example, for the term Explanation of Benefits, you could specify spoken form "EOB".
  • Allow Dragon to recognize abbreviated words in your dictation. For example, if you frequently use the name "Victor Zezgcinskevic", you could provide spoken form "victor zee".
  • Allow Dragon to recognize jargon. For example, for the term "interrogations", you could specify spoken form "rogs".

Written form

Written form of the word. Use to change the default written form.


Specifies how the word is used. For example, there are several instances of the letter "O". One can be used as in interjection, as in "O Captain! My Captain!" and another can be used as the actual letter "O".

Usage is not indicated for all words.

Default formatting

Allows you to specify the spacing and capitalization options of the word or phrase's written form.

Choose from the following options:



Insert <value> space before and <value> space after

Inserts the specified number of spaces before and after the word or phrase.

Select a number of spaces. The options are:

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

Precede by <value> and follow with <value>

Select the spacing type to insert before and after the word or phrase. The options are:

  • (nothing)
  • New Line
  • New Paragraph
  • Tab

Format the next word with <value>

Select the capitalization type for the following word. The options are:

  • with normal capitalization
  • capitalized (initial capitals)
  • in all capitals
  • without capitals

Format preceding numbers <value> and following numbers <value>

Select the format for numbers preceding the word. The options are:

  • normally—Dragon determines whether to insert Arabic numerals or the written form of the number
  • as numerals
  • as Roman numerals


Displays a preview of how Dragon will apply formatting before and after your word.

Lower case in titles

If selected, the word or phrase appears in lowercase when it appears at the beginning of a title.

If deselected, the word or phrase is capitalized if it appears at the beginning of a title.

Default value: Deselected

Context 1 and Context 2



Context 1

Context 2

Use to indicate that Dragon should use an alternative form of the word when it occurs in dictation in a specific way.

For example, when you dictate the measurement "kilometer" and it occurs in dictation after numbers, you could specify that Dragon insert "km" instead of "kilometer".

Use printed form 1

Use printed form 2

If selected, Dragon uses printed form 1, printed form 2, or both when you dictate this word and it occurs in the context you specified. Specify the printed form in the drop-down list.

If deselected, Dragon uses the Written Form of the word as specified in the Vocabulary Editor.

Default value: Deselected

If you enabled Smart Format Rules and you edit a dictated word that Dragon formatted automatically according to word properties, a Smart Format Rule window appears. For more information, see About Smart Format Rules.

Numbers list

Select the context in which the word appears that determines whether Dragon uses printed form 1 or printed form 2. The options are:

  • before numbers
  • between numbers
  • after numbers


Determines whether Dragon adds a tab, new line, or new paragraph after your word in this context. The options are:

  • Tab
  • New line
  • New paragraph


Specifies the way Dragon formats the word when it appears in this context.

For more information, see Written Form formatting.

Restore defaults

Click to restore default values for settings on this tab.


Related procedures

Additional information

Adding words and phrases to your vocabulary About word properties