Working with Windows 8.1 and 10

Windows 10

The commands below are a sampling of commands that support features introduced in Windows 10. For the full set of commands, see the Command Browser.

You must have Windows 10 installed on your computer to view the Windows 10 commands in the Command Browser.

Windows 10 sample commands

To navigate the Start menu and Start screen:

  • Say "Switch to screen mode."
  • Say "Start screen."
  • Say "Launch Start menu."
  • Say "Expand Start menu."
  • Say "Collapse to Start menu."
  • Say "Restore Start menu."

To open the Settings application:

  • Say "Start Windows settings."
  • Say "Start PC settings."

To open Task View:

Say "Open task view."

To use the Notification Center:

  • Say "Show Notification Center."
  • Say "Open Notifications."
  • Say "Hide notifications."

To work with Virtual Desktops:

  • Say "Create new virtual desktop."
  • Say "Add desktop."
  • Say "Switch to next virtual desktop."
  • Say "Close this virtual desktop."

To snap windows:

  • Say "Snap the window right."
  • Say "Snap this window down".
  • Say "Snap window up."
  • Say "Snap window down."

To work with "Modern" Applications:

  • Say "Open Hamburger menu."
  • Say "Show Search pane."
  • Say "Show App commands."

Windows 8.1

The following is a sampling of commands supported in Windows 8.1. For the full list of commands, see the Command Browser. Note that the Command Browser only lists commands supported in the version of Windows installed on your computer.

Windows 8.1 sample commands

To display the Start screen:

Say "Show Start Screen".

To display the Charms bar:

Say "Show Me Charms Bar".

To display a charm:

Say "Go to <charm name> Charm".

Example: Go to Start Charm

To go to All Applications:

Say "Show All Applications".

To pin a Web site to the Start screen:

Say "Pin Web Page to Start Screen".

To change your Account Picture:

Say "Change My Account Picture".

To customize the Start screen:

Say "Customize Start Screen".

To pin a Web site to Applications:

Say "Pin this Web Site to Apps".


Related procedures

Additional information

Working with Windows controls Getting help
Working on your Desktop  
Using the Command Browser