Getting help

Dragon provides you with several Help sources. You can access Help at any time.


Help type: Description: To open:

Online Help

Help system with procedures, feature descriptions, and command lists.

Say one of the following:

  • "Open Help"
  • "Give Me Help"
  • "Search the help for..."

To close the Help, say "Close Window".

What can I say?

List of Dragon commands appropriate for your current activity. You can get commands at any time when you're in:

  • Applications, like Microsoft Word.
  • Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox).
  • Windows Desktop.

Say "What Can I Say?"

Interactive Tutorial

Interactive simulations that allow you to practice Dragon commands and skills, like correcting your dictation.

From the DragonBar, click the Help icon () and then select Interactive Tutorial.

The Interactive Tutorial also opens automatically the first time you launch Dragon.


Dragon provides helpful tips that introduce you to specific functionality you might find helpful. Some tips also include sample commands that you can try. Each tip appears only once per user profile when you take specific actions.

For information on the specific tips that appear, see Options dialog box—Appearance.

Dragon displays tips automatically unless you select the Do not show tips option on the Options dialog box—Appearance page.

User documentation

Downloadable PDF user guides.

From the DragonBar, click the Help icon () and then select User Documentation.


Interactive training modules that show off Dragon's capabilities and allow you continued practice.

Click Get trained.

Technical Support

Nuance product support, including a searchable knowledgebase.

From the DragonBar, click the Help icon () and then select Technical Support.

Opening the Table of Contents

To open the Table of Contents by voice, say "Click Menu".


The Search function is optimized to return results specific to your search terms. Enter your search terms in the Search field.

To navigate to the Search field by voice, say "Tab Key".

You cannot use single quote marks (') when you specify search terms.

Navigating the help

Say the following commands to navigate the Help by voice. You can also use these shortcuts on your keyboard.

Shortcut: Description:

Ctrl + <left arrow>

Navigates back one page.

Ctrl + <right-arrow>

Navigates forward one page.

Alt + F4

Closes the help.

Page Up

Moves up one page at a time.

Page Down

Moves down one page at a time.


Goes to the bottom of the Help topic.


Goes to the top of the Help topic.

Ctrl + p

Prints the topic.

Tab key

Tabs through all the links on the Help home page, and also navigates to the Search field.


Activates the current link or, if you are in the Search field, submits your search.


Related procedures

Additional information

Working with the DragonBar Tips for vision-impaired users
Navigating Dragon with your keyboard