Dragon Professional Individual Release notes

This topic describes release notes for Dragon version 15.

Quick links

What's new
System requirements
Upgrade instructions
Known issues


What's new

The following section describes new features for Dragon version 15. If you are upgrading from version 13, see What's New in 14 for enhancements made in version 14.

Discontinued functionality

Dragon no longer supports the following functionality:

  • Dragon Remote Microphone
  • Firefox

Command enhancements

  • You can now say "Show Links" to see all links on a Web page that you can click by voice.

For more information, see Working with Internet Explorer and Working with Chrome.

Dictation enhancements

PowerMic III support

Dragon now supports the PowerMic III.

For more information, see About the Nuance PowerMic Microphone.


  • For UK English, you can now dictate prices without saying "pence".

    Example: £8.50

    Say: "eight pounds fifty".

For more information, see Dictating numbers.


  • When there are consecutive repeating numbers in a number sequence, you can dictate them using the words "double" or "triple".

    Example: 3225

    Say: "three double two five"

  • When there is a leading zero in a decimal number, you can dictate the zero using "oh".

    Example: 0.5

    Say: "oh point five"

For more information, see Dictating numbers.

Street addresses

  • When there are consecutive repeating numbers in an address, you can dictate them using the words "double" or "triple". You can also mix digits and cardinals.

    Example: 12235 Main street

    Say: "one double two three five main street"

  • You can dictate addresses with a hyphen or dash.

    Example: 12-14 Maple Street

    Say: "twelve dash fourteen maple street"

  • Dragon now supports full addresses (street address, state/province/territory/county, and postal code) for CAN and GBR.

For more information, see Dictating numbers.


  • You can now dictate twelve o'clock using "noon" and "midnight".
  • You can now dictate minutes before an hour using "to", "of", and "til".

    Example: 4:45

    Say: "quarter of five"

  • You can now dictate minutes after an hour using "past" and "after".

    Example: 5:15

    Say: "quarter past five"

For more information, see Dictating numbers.

Web and email addresses

  • Support for Web and email addresses has been improved. Addresses now appear in all lowercase letters, regardless of the proper nouns that the addresses consist of.


    Say: "john dot smith at nuance dot com"

    Result: john.smith@nuance.com

For more information, see Dictating email addresses and web addresses.

Dragon Anywhere enhancements

Dragon now synchronizes words between your desktop version and Dragon Anywhere in the background when Dragon is idle on your desktop.

For more information, see Using Dragon Anywhere.

Software versions

Dragon now supports the following:

Transcription enhancements

  • Dragon can now add commas and periods to your output when you transcribe recorded speech.
  • You can transcribe someone else's recordings using your own user profile.
  • To transcribe a recording of someone else, you no longer need to train Dragon for that person's voice.
  • If you frequently transcribe recordings of another person's voice, you can create a transcription-only user profile for that person. You don't need to train Dragon for this type of profile, so creating one involves little more than typing in a name and choosing a region for the speaker. Dragon adapts to their voice and improves accuracy over time.

    You cannot create a transcription-only user profile when Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is enabled. In NMS mode, you can only create a single user profile per region. You can create transcription-only user profiles in Standalone mode only.

For more information, see Working with user profiles and Transcribing recorded speech.

Usability enhancements

Accuracy improvement without reading text

In previous Dragon versions, you could read sample text for several minutes to improve Dragon's accuracy. In version 15, you can achieve the same result by simply dictating for several minutes, making corrections, and then running Accuracy Tuning (Tools>Accuracy Center>Launch Accuracy Tuning). As a result of this improvement, the Audio>Read text to improve accuracy menu option has been removed.

For more information, see Improving accuracy.

Dragon Professional Web Extension Disabled notification

Dragon now notifies you automatically when the Dragon Professional Web Extension is no longer installed or enabled. A message appears when you open your browser.

The message appears only if you did not select the Do not show tips check box on the Options dialog box—Appearance page.

For more information, see Installing and enabling the Dragon Professional Web Extension.

Dragon Tips

Dragon now provides helpful tips that introduce you to specific functionality you might find helpful. Some tips also include sample commands that you can try. Each tip appears when you take specific actions once per action, per user profile. Dragon displays tips automatically unless you select the Do not show tips option on the Options dialog box—Appearance page.

You can also reset Dragon’s internal flags that indicate when tips have already appeared for the current user profile. The Reset tips button on the Options dialog box—Appearance page allows all tips to reappear.

For more information, see the Do not show tips option in Options dialog box—Appearance.

Help provides tips and links to most popular topics

You can now find the following on the Help home page:

  • Tips for using Dragon
  • Links to the most popular Help topics

Interactive Tutorial now Web-based

When you are connected to the internet, Dragon now includes a Web-based interactive tutorial. If you don't have an internet connection, the tutorial runs locally. The tutorial includes progressive simulations that help you learn Dragon skills.

For more information, see Getting help.

Learn from specific documents words now deselected

When you run the Learn from specific documents tool, the words that Dragon finds are now deselected by default. You select the words that you want Dragon to add to your vocabulary.

For more information, see Learn from specific documents.

Options dialog box changes

  • The tabs in the Options dialog box are now pages that appear in a vertical list for easier usability. You can select the pages by voice.

    For more information, see The Options dialog box.

  • If you are using Dragon Professional Individual, there is a new Upgrade to Legal page, where you can enter your serial number to upgrade to Dragon Legal.

    For more information, see Options dialog box—Upgrade to Legal.

  • There is a new Dragon Anywhere page, where Dragon Anywhere users can provide login credentials and choose to share their custom words and Auto-Text commands with Dragon Anywhere. This replaces the former Profile>Dragon Anywhere menu selection.

    For more information, see Options dialog box—Dragon Anywhere.

  • The following changes have been made to the View page:
    • The tab is now named Appearance.
    • "New" mode is now named Modern mode.

    For more information, see Options dialog box—Appearance.

  • You can navigate between Options dialog box pages by voice.

    For more information, see The Options dialog box.

Performance improvements

To eliminate confusion on the appropriate vocabulary type or acoustic speech model to use, the Advanced button has been removed from the Speech Options page of the New User wizard.

Simplified microphone selection

It's now simpler and easier to select an audio device to use with Dragon. The Choose an audio device page now displays only audio devices that are available. Dragon detects devices that are plugged into your computer and usable based on your system volume meter.

In addition, you can now choose an audio device by selecting Settings>Microphone>Choose Microphone from the DragonBar. You no longer need to add a dictation source to use an audio device.

To make it simple to choose the right device, the Other audio input pane has been removed from the following pages:

  • New User wizard, Choose an audio device page
  • Add a New Dictation Source wizard, Add a Dictation Source dialog page

Touch screen improvements

When you're using Dragon on a Windows tablet, you can now touch anywhere outside Dragon's microphone to expand the DragonBar when it is collapsed.

For more information, see Using Dragon on a Windows tablet.


System requirements



  • 4 GB for all operating systems.


Minimum: 2.2 GHz Intel® dual core or equivalent AMD processor. Faster processors yield faster performance.

Free hard disk space

  • 4GB if DVD installation, or
  • 12GB if downloading installation files

Supported operating systems

  • Windows 7, 8.1, and 10, 32-bit and 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012


  • Internet Explorer 11 or the current version of Chrome or Edge for online Help and for installation if installing from the Web
  • Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5.2 or later

    Generally, the .NET Framework is pre-installed on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 computers. If you do not have it installed, you are prompted to install it during Dragon's installation.

    Nuance does not provide the .NET Framework with your installation; you must download the installation file from microsoft.com.

  • A DVD-ROM drive if installing from disk
  • An audio input device capable of 16-bit recording for dictation

    For a list of recommended devices, see https://support.nuance.com/compatibility/.


Upgrade instructions

Dragon supports upgrades only from the following versions and editions listed. Dragon does not support upgrades from any other versions or editions. If you have any other version or edition installed, you must first uninstall your existing version, and then purchase and install the full Dragon version 15 installation package.

User profiles for the Canadian region that you created in the German, Italian, Spanish, or Dutch edition of Dragon version 14 are no longer supported in version 15. You cannot upgrade these user profiles. Nuance recommends that you create new US-English user profiles after upgrading Dragon.

The following abbreviations appear in the tables below:

  • CP—Copy-protected (single-user)
  • VLA—Volume Licensing

Upgrading to Dragon Professional Individual or Dragon Legal Individual

Current edition/version

Upgrading to v15 edition

Upgrade instructions

  • Dragon Premium, version 12
  • Dragon Professional, version 12

Dragon Professional Individual

Perform a manual upgrade.

  • Dragon Premium, version 13
  • Dragon Professional, version 13
  • Dragon Professional Individual, version 14
Dragon Professional Individual Perform an automatic upgrade.
  • Dragon Premium, version 12
  • Dragon Professional, version 12
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only), version 12
Dragon Legal Individual Perform a manual upgrade.
  • Dragon Premium, version 13
  • Dragon Professional, version 13
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only), version 13
  • Dragon Professional Individual, version 14
  • Dragon Legal Individual (US-English and DEU only), version 14
Dragon Legal Individual Perform an automatic upgrade.
Dragon Professional Individual, version 15 Dragon Legal Individual, version 15 Change your Dragon serial number.


Upgrading to Dragon Professional Group or Dragon Legal Group

Current edition/version/mode

Upgrading to v15 edition/mode

Upgrade instructions

  • Dragon Premium, version 12 CP
  • Dragon Professional, version 12, CP

Dragon Professional Group, CP

Perform a manual upgrade.

  • Dragon Premium, version 12, CP
  • Dragon Professional, version 12, CP
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only), version 12, CP
Dragon Legal Group, CP Perform a manual upgrade.
  • Dragon Premium, version 13, CP
  • Dragon Professional, version 13, CP
  • Dragon Professional Individual, version 14, CP
Dragon Professional Group, CP Perform an automatic upgrade.
  • Dragon Premium, version 13, CP
  • Dragon Professional, version 13, CP
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only) version 13, CP
  • Dragon Professional Individual, version 14, CP
  • Dragon Legal Individual (US-English and DEU only), version 14, CP
Dragon Legal Group, CP

Perform an automatic upgrade.

  • Dragon Professional, version 12, VLA
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only), version 12, VLA
  • Dragon Professional Group, VLA (Standalone mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group, VLA (Standalone mode)
Perform a manual upgrade.
  • Dragon Professional, version 12, VLA
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only), version 12, VLA
  • Dragon Professional Group, VLA (NMS mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group, VLA (NMS mode)
  1. Perform a manual upgrade.
  2. Import your license key in the NMC console and then allocate licenses.
  • Dragon Professional, version 13, VLA
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only), version 13, VLA
  • Dragon Professional Group, VLA (Standalone mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group, VLA (Standalone mode)
Perform an automatic upgrade.
  • Dragon Professional, version 13, VLA
  • Dragon Legal (US-English and DEU only), version 13, VLA
  • Dragon Professional Group, VLA (NMS mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group, VLA (NMS mode)
  1. Perform an automatic upgrade.
  2. Import your license key in the NMC console and then allocate licenses.
  3. Import your previous version user profile. This step includes upgrading and importing your user profile.
  • Dragon Professional Group, version 14, VLA (Standalone mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group (US-English and DEU only), version 14, VLA (Standalone mode)
  • Dragon Professional Group, VLA (Standalone mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group, VLA (Standalone mode)
Perform an automatic upgrade.
  • Dragon Professional Group, version 14, VLA (Standalone mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group (US-English and DEU only), version 14, VLA (Standalone mode)
  • Dragon Professional Group, VLA, NMS mode
  • Dragon Legal Group, VLA (NMS mode)
  1. Perform an automatic upgrade.
  2. Import your license key in the NMC console and then allocate licenses.
  3. Import your previous version user profile. This step includes upgrading and importing your user profile.
  • Dragon Professional Group, version 14, VLA (NMS mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group (US-English and DEU only), version 14, VLA (NMS mode)
  • Dragon Professional Group, VLA (NMS mode)
  • Dragon Legal Group, VLA (NMS mode)
  1. Perform an automatic upgrade.
  2. Import your previous version user profile. This step includes upgrading and importing your user profile.
Dragon Professional Group, version 15, VLA (Standalone mode) Dragon Legal Group, version 15, VLA (Standalone mode) Change your Dragon serial number.
Dragon Professional Group, version 15, VLA (Standalone mode) Dragon Legal Group, version 15, VLA (NMS mode) Import your license key in the NMC console and then allocate licenses.
Dragon Professional Group, version 15, VLA (NMS mode) Dragon Legal Group, version 15, VLA (NMS mode) Import your license key in the NMC console and then allocate licenses.


Upgrading to Dragon Law Enforcement

You install Dragon Law Enforcement version 15 by uninstalling your previous Dragon Public Safety software and installing Dragon Law Enforcement using a serial number that begins with K909.

You cannot upgrade your Dragon Public Safety user profiles. You must create a new user profile to use Dragon Law Enforcement.

You can optionally export your custom words and commands from Dragon Public Safety and then import them in Dragon Law Enforcement.

Current edition/version/mode

Upgrading to v15 edition/mode

Upgrade instructions

Dragon Public Safety version 14 (Standalone mode or NMS mode) Dragon Law Enforcement (Standalone mode or NMS mode)
  1. Optionally export your custom words.
  2. Optionally export your custom commands.
  3. Uninstall Dragon Public Safety.
  4. Install Dragon Law Enforcement.
  5. Create a new user profile.
  6. Import your custom words.
  7. Import your custom commands.
  8. If you are using NMS mode, Import your license key in the NMC console and then allocate licenses.


Other upgrade scenarios

Use the following instructions when you're upgrading to a version 15 edition from the following:

  • From any Dragon edition, version 13 or later, CP to a VLA edition (Standalone mode or NMS mode)
  • From any Dragon edition, version 13 or later, VLA (Standalone mode or NMS mode) to a CP edition

Current edition/version/mode

Upgrading to v15 edition/mode

Upgrade instructions

Any Dragon edition, version 13 or later, CP Any version 15 edition, VLA (Standalone mode or NMS mode)
  1. Uninstall Dragon.
  2. Click Yes to keep your speech files when prompted.
  3. Install your new Dragon edition.
  4. Upgrade your speech files.
Any Dragon edition, version 13 or later, VLA (Standalone mode or NMS mode) Any version 15 edition, CP
  1. Uninstall Dragon.
  2. Click Yes to keep your speech files when prompted.
  3. Install your new Dragon edition.
  4. Upgrade your speech files.


Upgrading automatically

For automatic upgrades, Dragon updates your software automatically. You do not need to uninstall your existing version first. Dragon also retains your custom words and commands. If you are using a Dragon edition where Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is disabled (Standalone mode), Dragon then upgrades your user profiles when you open them.

To upgrade automatically, do the following:

  1. Locate your serial number.
  2. Optionally export your user profiles.
  3. Optionally export your custom words.
  4. Optionally export your custom commands.
  5. Upgrade Dragon.
  6. If you upgraded to one of the following editions, Activate Dragon:

    • Dragon Professional Individual
    • Dragon Legal Individual
    • Dragon Professional Group, copy-protected
    • Dragon Legal Group, copy-protected

Upgrading manually

For manual upgrades, you must first export your custom words and commands. Dragon does not retain your custom words and commands during the upgrade; to keep them, you must import them after upgrading. You must then uninstall your existing software. You must also create a new user profile after upgrading. Dragon cannot upgrade your existing user profile.

To upgrade manually, do the following:

  1. Locate your serial number.
  2. Export your custom words.
  3. Export your custom commands.
  4. Uninstall Dragon.
  5. Install Dragon by completing the Upgrading Dragon instructions.
  6. If you upgraded to one of the following editions, Activate Dragon:

    • Dragon Professional Individual
    • Dragon Legal Individual
    • Dragon Professional Group, copy-protected
    • Dragon Legal Group, copy-protected

  7. Import your custom words.
  8. Import your custom commands.

Locating your serial number

To upgrade Dragon manually or automatically, the serial number for your existing Dragon installation is required. If you are upgrading from version 14, Dragon pre-populates the serial number field with your existing serial number automatically. If you are upgrading from version 12 or 13, you must provide your serial number. Do one of the following to locate your serial number:

  • From the DragonBar in your version 12 or 13 installation, click the Help icon () and then select About Dragon.

    The serial number appears on the screen.

  • If you purchased a DVD, your serial number is located on the back of the Dragon DVD sleeve.
  • If you purchased the download, you receive a confirmation email from Nuance. Your serial number is located in both the .CSV file and the .HTML file attached to the email.

Uninstalling Dragon

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel:

    Windows 7 and 8.1:

    Select Start>Control Panel>Programs and Features

    Windows 10:

    Select Start>Settings>System>Apps & features

  2. Select Dragon, and then click Uninstall.

    The uninstallation process begins.

  3. Click No when Dragon prompts you to save your speech files.

    The uninstallation completes.

Exporting your user profiles

When you upgrade Dragon automatically, the upgrade process removes the previous version from your computer. The process also upgrades your user profiles. Consider exporting your user profiles to create a backup copy in case you need to re-install the previous version.

To export your user profiles:

  1. Start Dragon.
  2. From the DragonBar, select Profile>Manage User Profiles.
  3. Select the user profile you want to export.
  4. Select Advanced>Export.
  5. Navigate to the export destination folder.
  6. Click OK.

For more information on exporting user profiles and default user profile locations, see the following KnowledgeBase article:


Do not export your user profiles to a folder in the NaturallySpeaking15 directory. If you uninstall Dragon, the uninstallation process deletes this directory.

Exporting custom words

If you added custom words or phrases to your vocabulary using the Vocabulary Editor, Add new word or phrase feature, or email and document analysis features and you're upgrading automatically, Dragon retains them during the upgrade. Optionally consider exporting any custom words to create a backup copy in case you need to re-install the previous version. If you're upgrading manually and you want to keep your custom words, you must export them before upgrading and then import them after upgrading. Dragon does not retain your custom words during a manual upgrade.

To check for custom entries in your vocabulary:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Vocabulary>Open Vocabulary Editor.
  2. Select Custom words only from the Display drop-down list.

To export your custom words:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Vocabulary>Export custom word and phrase list.
  2. Specify a file name for the text file.
  3. Click Save.

Exporting custom commands

If you added custom commands and you're upgrading automatically, Dragon retains them during the upgrade. Optionally consider exporting any custom commands to create a backup copy in case you need to re-install the previous version. If you're upgrading manually and you want to keep your custom commands, you must export them before upgrading and then import them after upgrading. Dragon does not retain your custom commands during a manual upgrade.

You cannot export custom commands from Dragon version 12 Premium.

To check for custom commands:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Browser.
  2. Click Script. Dragon’s commands and any custom commands are displayed.

To export custom commands:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Browser.
  2. Select Mode>Manage.
  3. To export only custom commands, choose User-defined in the Group drop-down list.
    If you do not see User-defined commands in the drop-down list, you do not have any custom commands.
  4. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the list of commands.
  5. Select the check box next to the commands to export.
  6. Click Export.

Installing Dragon

  1. Close any open programs.
  2. If you’re running an anti-virus program, turn it off until the installation completes.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Insert the DVD. The installation begins immediately.
    • If the installation does not start automatically, browse to setup.exe on the DVD and double-click to run it.

    • Download setup.exe or Dragon.exe, then double-click to run the installer. The installation begins immediately and the requested files are downloaded and installed.
  4. Install the Microsoft .NET Framework if prompted.
  5. You may need to restart the computer after installing the .NET Framework.

  6. In the Dragon InstallShield wizard, click Next to begin the Dragon installation.
  7. Read the license terms and click the radio button to indicate you agree to the terms.
  8. Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
  9. Enter the product serial number, then click Next.
  10. Select your region and, optionally, select the Advanced check box to change the installation directory.
  11. Click Next.
    1. If you selected the Advanced check box, installation directory, click Change.
    2. Browse to the directory where you want to install Dragon.
    3. Click Next.
  12. Click Install.
  13. The installation begins.

Activating Dragon

With certain Dragon editions, the first time you start Dragon after upgrading, you are prompted to activate the product. If you skip activation, you can launch Dragon in Trial mode five times. After five launches, you must activate Dragon to continue using the product.

These instructions assume you have an internet connection available on the computer where you upgraded Dragon.

  1. Launch Dragon.

    The Activation dialog box appears.

  2. Select Activate Product, and then click Next.
  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you upgraded from version 12 or 13, Dragon prepopulates the top field with your version 15 serial number automatically. In the bottom field, specify your version 12 or 13 serial number, and then click Next to continue.

    • If you upgraded from version 14, Dragon prepopulates the top field with your version 15 serial number and the bottom field with your previous version serial number. Click Next to continue.
  4. Click Finish.

    Dragon is activated.

Manually loading user profiles from a previous Dragon version

If your user profiles are located in a directory that is not automatically detected by Dragon, or if they are on another computer (for example, if you have Dragon installed on one machine and decide to install version 15 on a separate machine), do the following:

  1. Launch Dragon.
  2. From the DragonBar, select Profile>Open User Profile.
  3. Click Browse.
  4. Navigate to the location of your user profiles.

    For information on default user profile locations, see Knowledgebase article https://nuance.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2313.

  5. Select appropriate user profiles.
  6. Click OK.

    Your user profiles appear in the Open User Profile dialog box.

  7. Select a user profile, and then click Open.

    Dragon upgrades the user profile automatically.

Creating a new user profile

The New User Profile wizard appears automatically. Run through the wizard to create your new user profile.

For more information, click the Help button on each screen.

Importing custom words

  1. From the DragonBar, select Vocabulary>Import list of words or phrases.

    The Import list of words or phrases dialog box opens.

  2. Optionally click the Preview the list of unknown words, and then click Next.
  3. Click Add File.

    The Add File dialog box opens.

  4. Navigate to the text (.txt) file containing the list of words and phrases you exported.

  5. Select the file, and then click Open.

    The file appears in the Add Word Lists file list.

  6. Click Next.

    Dragon analyzes the file.

  7. Click Next.

    Your custom words appear in the Add Words to Vocabulary list.

  8. Select the words to add to your vocabulary, and then click Next.

  9. Click Next.

    Dragon adds the words to your vocabulary.

  10. Click Finish.

Importing custom commands

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Browser.

    The Command Browser opens.

  2. From the Command Browser menu, select MyCommands>Import.

    The Import Commands dialog box opens.

  3. Navigate to the data (.dat) file containing the custom commands you exported.
  4. Select the file, and then click Open.

    The Import Commands dialog box opens.

  5. Select the commands you want to import, and then click Import.

    Dragon imports your commands.

  6. Click OK.


Known issues



2/1/2018 7:52 PM