The Open User Profile dialog box

Settings>Profile>Open User Profile

Use this dialog box to do the following:

  • Open a user profile or view its properties.
  • Create a new user profile.
  • Select a default user profile.

If you are using Roaming user profiles, the Open User Profile dialog box can quickly display a large number of user profiles and organize them in subfolders.

This dialog box shows user profiles in the following locations:

  • C:\ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking16\Users
  • Users\Username\Appdata\Local\Nuance\NS16\Users

If you are using a Dragon edition where Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is disabled and you have multiple user profiles, Dragon moves your standalone user profiles from the %ProgramData% folder to the %LocalAppdata% folder automatically when you open your user profiles after the version 16 upgrade.

Option Description

User Profile and Vocabulary

Lists the available user profiles at the current location and the associated vocabulary. You can double-click on a user profile to select it and open it.


Opens the selected user profile and its associated vocabulary, and loads any associated custom voice commands.


Opens the User Properties dialog box, where you can view user profile information, including the language, dictation source, and speech model.


Opens the New User Profile wizard where you can create a new user profile.

Load this profile when Dragon starts

This option applies only if you have more than one user profile. If you have a single user profile, Dragon loads your user profile automatically each time it starts.

If you selected the Launch Dragon when Windows starts option on the Options dialog box—Miscellaneous page, you should select a default user profile. If you do not select a default, Dragon prompts you to select a user profile when it opens.

If selected, this profile becomes your default user profile. Dragon loads this user profile each time it starts.

If deselected, Dragon prompts you to select a user profile when it starts.

Default value: Deselected


If you know the exact name of the user profile to open, specify the name in the field next to the Go button, and then click Go. This eliminates the need to scroll through the list of user profiles to select one.

Location of User Profile

Use to select a new storage location for user profiles. Click the Browse button to select a new location if it is not shown on the list.


Related procedures Additional information
Working with user profiles About user profiles