Setting the location of Local Roaming user profiles

The Local Roaming user profile stores changes made during a dictation session, such as corrections, before Dragon synchronizes the changes with the Master Roaming user profile.

Nuance recommends that you use the default location:

Users\Username\AppData\Local\Nuance\NS16\RoamingUsers\<display name>\<username>


  • <display name>—The Display Name you defined when you set the Master Roaming user profile location.
  • <username>—The name of the Local Roaming user profile.

For more information on the Roaming feature and setting it up, see About the Roaming feature and Roaming feature setup checklist.

  1. From the DragonBar, select Settings>Administrative Settings.

  2. Click Proceed.

    A Windows User Account Control prompt appears.

  3. Click Yes.

    The Administrative Settings—Roaming tab appears.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Accept the default location for the Local directory (for cache) setting (<Roaming Local>) by clicking OK.
    • Change the location:

      • Click Browse, and then navigate to the location, or
      • Click Make New Folder to create a location.
  5. Click OK.

Related procedures Additional information
Roaming feature setup checklist About the Roaming feature
Creating Roaming user profiles About Roaming user profiles
Scheduling Accuracy Tuning for Roaming users About Master and Local Roaming user profile synchronization
Working with Roaming user profiles  
Upgrading Roaming user profiles