Working with the Results Display

The Results Display includes an icon (Recognition icon) and feedback (Feedback display) that appear when Dragon listens to you and processes your speech.


To move the Results Display:

Click and drag the icon to a new location.

To cancel speech recognition:

  1. Right-click the icon or feedback.

    A menu appears.

  2. Select Cancel Recognition.

To anchor the Results Display:

  1. Click and drag the icon to where you want it.
  2. Right-click the icon.

    A menu appears.

  3. Select Anchor.

To hide the Results Display when you're not speaking:

  1. Right-click the icon.

    A menu appears.

  2. Select Auto-Hide.

    By default, when you haven't spoken for 10 seconds, the icon auto-hides.

To close the Results Display:

Double-click the icon to close it.


  1. Right-click the icon.

    A menu appears.

  2. Select Close.

To configure Results Display options:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Options.

    The Options dialog box opens.

  2. Click the Appearance page.
  3. Set the options in the Results Box section.

    For more information, see Options dialog box—Appearance.


Related procedures Additional information
Dictation basics Dictation guidelines