Searching your Desktop

You can use Voice Shortcuts to search your Desktop. To search your Desktop by voice, you must have the Windows search utility installed. You must also have selected the Enable Desktop search commands option on the Options dialog box—Commands page.

Desktop search type Examples

Search your computer

Dragon searches your local drive and email in installed email clients.

To search your computer:

  1. Say "Search computer for <search keywords>".

    The Dragon Keyword Edit dialog box opens by default. To turn it off, see To turn off the Keyword Edit dialog box.

  2. Optionally edit your search keywords.
  3. Optionally select Do not display this window again.
  4. Click Search.

    Dragon returns your search results.

"Search computer for budget spreadsheets."

Search email

Dragon searches the following installed email client:

  • Microsoft Outlook

To search email:

  1. Say "Search email for <search keywords>".

    The Dragon Keyword Edit dialog box opens by default. To turn it off, see To turn off the Keyword Edit dialog box.

  2. Optionally edit your search keywords.
  3. Optionally select Do not display this window again.
  4. Click Search.

    Dragon returns your search results.

"Search email for server upgrade reminder."

Search for the top-ranked email

Dragon searches your installed email clients for the top-ranked email that contains your search keywords.

To search for the top-ranked email:

  1. Say "Find an email about <search keywords>".

    The Dragon Keyword Edit dialog box opens by default. To turn it off, see To turn off the Keyword Edit dialog box.

  2. Optionally edit your search keywords.
  3. Optionally select Do not display this window again.
  4. Click Search.

    Dragon returns your search results.

"Find an email about the vacation schedule."

Search documents

Dragon searches your email and local drive for documents that contain your search keywords.

To search documents:

  1. Say "Search documents for <search keywords>".

    The Dragon Keyword Edit dialog box opens by default. To turn it off, see To turn off the Keyword Edit dialog box.

  2. Optionally edit your search keywords.
  3. Optionally select Do not display this window again.
  4. Click Search.

    Dragon returns your search results.

"Search documents for customer billing."


Search Web history, Favorites, or bookmarks

Dragon searches your Web browsing history, Favorites, and bookmarks for matching text.

To search Web history, Favorites, or bookmarks:

  1. Say one of the following:

    • "Search Web history for <search keywords>".
    • "Search Favorites for <search keywords>".
    • "Search bookmarks for <search keywords>".

    The Dragon Keyword Edit dialog box opens by default. To turn it off, see To turn off the Keyword Edit dialog box.

  2. Optionally edit your search keywords.
  3. Optionally select Do not display this window again.
  4. Click Search.

    Dragon returns your search results.

"Search bookmarks for time card entry."

To turn off the Keyword Edit dialog box:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Options.

    The Options dialog box opens.

  2. From the left panel, click the Commands page.
  3. Deselect the Display search text before performing search check box.

Not applicable.


Related procedures Additional information
Working on your Desktop Getting help
Working with Windows controls