Options dialog box—Appearance

Settings> Options>Appearance


Say "Switch to DragonBar", then "Settings", then "Options", then "Appearance"

Use the Appearance page to control the behavior and appearance of the DragonBar and the way dictation results are displayed. Changing these options affects only the current user profile.

Option Description


Determines the appearance of the DragonBar. The options are:

  • Auto-collapse the DragonBar: If selected, the DragonBar collapses automatically when you move your cursor away from it. If deselected, the DragonBar does not collapse.
    If you deselect this option while the DragonBar is collapsed, you may need to right-click the DragonBar to expand it.

Start Dragon minimized in the tray


If selected, the DragonBar is minimized to the Windows system tray when you launch Dragon. This is helpful when you don't want the DragonBar to appear on top of your current applications. You can access Dragon's microphone from here. If deselected, the DragonBar appears maximized at its regular size when you launch Dragon. Default value: Deselected

For more information on Tray Icon mode, see Working with the DragonBar.

Results Box

Determines the location and appearance of the Results box. The options are:

  • Anchor—If selected, locks the Results box in place until you drag it to a new location. If deselected, the Results box appears with your dictation. Default value: Deselected
  • Show preliminary results—If selected, preliminary and final results appear in a text box before your dictation is transcribed in your document. If deselected, only final results appear. Default value: Deselected
  • Beep after recognition—If selected, Dragon beeps each time it recognizes a word or phrase. If deselected, no sound occurs.
  • Auto-hide delay—Determines whether the Results box is shown, and if shown, how long it appears. Default value: Never hide

For more information, see Working with the Results Display.

Do not show tips

If selected, prevents Dragon from displaying specific tips and prompts. Dragon displays tips only once per user profile. This option affects the following tips and prompts:


  • Install Dragon Professional Web Extension—Appears when you open Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer for the first time after installing Dragon and the Dragon Professional Web Extension is not installed.
  • Dragon Professional Web Extension disabled—Appears when you open Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer and the Dragon Professional Web Extension is no longer installed or enabled.

For more information on the Dragon Professional Web Extension, see About the Dragon Professional Web Extension.


  • Dictation Box—Appears when the Dictation Box is active.
  • Full Text Control—Appears when you turn on Dragon’s microphone and the Full Text Control indicator is on.
  • Gmail—Appears when you access Gmail.
  • Google Docs—Appears when you begin dictating in Google Docs.
  • Outlook—Appears when you access Outlook Web mail.
  • Scratch That—Appears when Dragon’s microphone is on and you press the Backspace button in text.
  • Tablet mode—Appears when you’re using a Windows tablet device and your user profile opens, and when Tablet mode is enabled.
  • Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer—Appears when you open one of these browsers and turn on Dragon’s microphone.
  • “What Can I Say?”—Appears when your user profile opens.
  • Word Online—Appears when you begin dictating in Word Online.

If deselected, allows Dragon to display the tips and prompts.

This option becomes deselected when you click the Reset tips button.

For more information on tips and prompts, see Getting help.

Default value: Deselected

Reset tips

Click to reset Dragon’s internal flags that indicate when tips have already appeared for the current user profile. Each tip appears only once per user profile. Resetting the flags allows all tips to reappear. Resetting also deselects the Do not show tips check box above.

You cannot reset the flags for individual tips; clicking this button resets all flags.

For a list of tips and prompts this button affects, see the Do not show tips option above.

When you reset tips, you must close and then re-open your user profile to see the “What Can I Say?” tip.

Restore Defaults

Click to restore default values for settings on this page.


Related procedures Additional information
Working with the Results Display None.