Dragon Release notes—version 15.5

This topic describes new features, fixed issues, update instructions, and known issues for the following Dragon version 15.5 products:

  • Dragon Professional Group
  • Dragon Legal Group
  • Dragon Law Enforcement

Quick links

What's new
System requirements
Fixed issues
Upgrade instructions
Post-upgrade instructions
Known issues


What's new

Documentation enhancements

  • The Help content on Accuracy Tuning has been improved to better explain the importance and benefits of performing Accuracy Tuning.

    To view the Help content, see About Accuracy Tuning.

  • The Nuance Management Center Installation and Configuration Guide now includes information on performing multi-node installations.

    For more information, see the "Installing the servers" chapter.

You can download the guides and other documentation from the Dragon support page:


General enhancements

New scripting engine for Advanced Scripting feature

The default scripting engine for the Advanced Scripting feature has been changed to WinWrap Basic. This replaces the former SAX engine.

There are no syntax changes with this change. While the Advanced scripting guide refers to commands created with the previous engine, any commands you created previously are backward-compatible.

You can access the Advanced scripting guide at the following location:


Windows Server 2019 now supported

Dragon now supports Windows Server 2019.

Installation/upgrade enhancements

Uninstalling Dragon no longer includes option to uninstall user profiles

When you uninstall Dragon, the uninstallation process no longer prompts you with the option to uninstall your user profiles automatically. Your user profiles now remain on your computer after uninstalling Dragon unless you remove them manually.

For information on uninstalling your user profiles manually, see Manually removing user profiles after uninstalling Dragon.

Upgrade process now uninstalls the previous version automatically

When you upgrade to Dragon version 15.5, the upgrade process now uninstalls your previous Dragon version automatically. You no longer need to uninstall your current Dragon version before you upgrade.

For more information, see the Upgrade instructions section in this topic.

Nuance Management Center enhancements

New option to allow you to get custom words or commands immediately

There is a new Immediately synchronize updated words and phrases when loading a user profile option that allows you to get custom words or commands from the server immediately when you open your user profile.

If selected, Dragon adds new and modified words and phrases from the Nuance Management Center server immediately to your vocabulary when you open your user profile. You can cancel this process at any time by clicking Cancel.

You may not be able to use your microphone for several minutes depending on the size of the update.

If de-selected, Dragon updates new and modified words and phrases only when Dragon is running and your computer is idle.

This option is deselected by default.

For more information, see Administrative Settings dialog box—NMS Settings tab.

User profile enhancements

New user profile locations

Previously, user profiles were located in the \ProgramData folder. To ensure that user profile data remains secure and access is restricted to the user or to an administrator, user profiles are now located in the %AppData% folder.

If you are using a Dragon edition where Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is enabled (NMS mode):

  • Dragon now creates your user profile in the following folder:


  • If you use multiple computers, Dragon now creates your dynamic user profile in the following folder:


If you are using a Dragon edition where Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is disabled (Standalone mode):

  • Dragon now creates your user profile in the following folder:


  • Dragon now creates your Local Roaming user profiles in the following folder if you're using the Roaming feature:

    Users\Username\AppData\Local\Nuance\NS15\RoamingUsers\<display name>\<username>

For more information on user profiles, see About user profiles.

New user profile path

The path where user profiles are stored has changed from:





System requirements



  • 4 GB for all operating systems.

Minimum: 2.2 GHz Intel® dual core or equivalent AMD processor. Faster processors yield faster performance.

Free hard disk space
  • 4GB if DVD installation, or
  • 12GB if downloading installation files
Supported operating systems
  • Windows 7, 8.1, and 10, 32-bit and 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Internet Explorer 11 or the current version of Chrome or Edge for online Help and for installation if installing from the Web
  • Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5.2 or later

    Generally, the .NET Framework is pre-installed on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 computers. If you do not have it installed, you are prompted to install it during Dragon's installation.

    Nuance does not provide the .NET Framework with your installation; you must download the installation file from microsoft.com.

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Runtime (full build only)

    If you do not have it installed, you are prompted to install it during Dragon's installation.

  • A DVD-ROM drive if installing from disk
  • An audio input device capable of 16-bit recording for dictation
  • An internet connection to connect to the Nuance Management Center (NMC) Server, if Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is enabled.


Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in version 15.5.

Microsoft Office issues

  • Performance and robustness in Microsoft Office applications has been improved.
  • If the Enable double-click to correct option is selected, the Correction dialog now appears when you double-click a word in subsequent emails after creating your first email.

Security issues

  • Improvements have been made to increase product security.

Usability issues

  • Log files are no longer written repeatedly when an exception occurs.
  • An error no longer occurs and the Gmail scan now completes successfully when you select Gmail as your email source in the Learn from Sent Emails tool.
  • You are no longer incorrectly prompted to specify a code and you can now add GoogleDocs successfully when you click Add GoogleDocs in the Learn from Specific Documents tool.

Upgrade instructions

Before you begin

You can upgrade to Dragon version 15.5 from the following versions:

  • 14
  • 15
  • 15.1
  • 15.2 (FRA only)
  • 15.3
  • 15.4

Dragon version 15.5 is a major upgrade. When you upgrade to version 15.5, the upgrade process now uninstalls your previous Dragon version automatically. You no longer need to uninstall your existing Dragon version before you upgrade.

If you are upgrading from version 14, you must provide your product serial number during the upgrade. Dragon does not pre-populate the serial number field with your existing serial number.

If you are upgrading from version 15 and later, you do not need to provide your product serial number; Dragon pre-populates the serial number field with your existing serial number automatically.

Exporting your user profiles

When you upgrade Dragon, the upgrade process removes the previous version from your computer. The process also upgrades your user profiles. Consider exporting your user profiles to create a backup copy in case you need to re-install the previous version.

To export your user profiles:

  1. Start Dragon.
  2. From the DragonBar, select Profile>Manage User Profiles.
  3. Select the user profile you want to export.
  4. Select Advanced>Export.
  5. Navigate to the export destination folder.
  6. Click OK.

For more information on exporting user profiles and default user profile locations, see Working with user profiles.

Do not export your user profiles to a folder in the NaturallySpeaking15 directory. If you uninstall Dragon, the uninstallation process deletes this directory.

Exporting custom words

If you added custom words or phrases to your vocabulary using the Vocabulary Editor, Add new word or phrase feature, or email and document analysis features, Dragon retains them during the upgrade. Optionally consider exporting any custom words to create a backup copy in case you need to re-install the previous version.

To check for custom entries in your vocabulary:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Vocabulary>Open Vocabulary Editor.
  2. Select Custom words only from the Display drop-down list.

To export your custom words:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Vocabulary>Export custom word and phrase list.
  2. Specify a file name for the text file.
  3. Click Save.

Exporting custom commands

If you added custom commands, Dragon retains them during the upgrade. Optionally consider exporting any custom commands to create a backup copy in case you need to re-install the previous version.

To check for custom commands:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Browser.
  2. Click Script. Dragon’s commands and any custom commands are displayed.

To export custom commands:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Browser.
  2. Select Mode>Manage.
  3. To export only custom commands, choose User-defined in the Group drop-down list.
    If you do not see User-defined commands in the drop-down list, you do not have any custom commands.
  4. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the list of commands.
  5. Select the check box next to the commands to export.
  6. Click Export.

Upgrading Dragon

  1. Close any open programs.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Insert the DVD. The installation begins immediately.
    • If the installation does not start automatically, browse to setup.exe on the DVD and double-click to run it.

    • Download setup.exe or Dragon.exe, then double-click to run the installer. The installation begins immediately and the requested files are downloaded and installed.
  3. Install the Microsoft .NET Framework if prompted.

    You may need to restart the computer after installing the .NET Framework.

  4. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Runtime if prompted.
  5. In the Dragon InstallShield wizard, click Next to begin the Dragon installation.
  6. Read the license terms and click the radio button to indicate you agree to the terms.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
  8. Click Next at the product serial number screen.

    Dragon pre-populates this automatically.

  9. Select your region and, optionally, select the Advanced check box to change the installation directory.
  10. Click Next.
  11. If you selected the Advanced check box, do the following:

    1. Click Change to modify the installation directory.
    2. Browse to the directory where you want to install Dragon, and then click OK.
    3. Select the check box next to any option you want to change.
    4. Click Next.
  12. Click Install.
  13. The installation begins.

    If you selected check boxes next to options in the Advanced screen, a screen appears, allowing you to customize these settings.

    If your anti-virus program blocks Dragon's installation, turn it off and then restart the installation. Turn it back on when the installation completes successfully.

Post-upgrade instructions

Configure your Administrative Settings

Dragon Professional version 15.5 is a major upgrade process that uninstalls the previous version before installing version 15.5. This process resets all Administrative Settings to their default values. When your upgrade is complete, you must change the settings back to the values you selected for your environment.

To change the settings, select Settings>Administrative Settings from the DragonBar and review the values selected on following tabs:

  • Roaming
  • Miscellaneous
  • Scheduled Tasks
  • NMS Settings

Upgrade your user profiles

If you upgraded to version 15.5 from version 14, Dragon prompts you to upgrade your user profiles when you open the application after the upgrade. Click Next to begin the user profile upgrade.

If you upgraded to version 15.5 from versions 15.0-15.4, Dragon does not upgrade your user profiles. You can begin using Dragon immediately.


Known issues



Poor recognition and audio issues in Citrix environment on Windows Server 2016 Recognition may be poor and the audio may be distorted when using Citrix on Windows Server 2016. This is not an issue on Windows Server 2012 or Server 2008 R2. The issue occurs on XenApp and XenDesktop in Optimized mode; it does not occur in XenDesktop Generic mode.
Adding exported vocabulary using NSAdmin strips advanced settings

When you export a vocabulary and then add it to Dragon using the NSAdmin tool, the advanced settings (Context and Printed Form) are stripped from some words.

Workaround: Import the vocabulary using the Manage Vocabularies option from the DragonBar.

Or, do the following:

  1. Copy the itn_d.enh file in this directory:


    NSAdmin creates the CustomeXXXX folder in this directory when you use NSAdmin to add a vocabulary. In this example, XXXX refers to the vocabulary ID specified while adding the vocabulary through NSAdmin.

  2. Replace the existing itn_d.enh in the following directory with the one you copied:


    When you create a new user profile and you add a new vocabulary using NSAdmin, the user profile is created in this folder.

  3. Reload the user profile and check whether the settings for the custom word appear.

Possible profile corruption when using Nuance Management Center

Profile corruption may occur when a user shuts down their computer while still logged into Nuance Management Center and Dragon is running.

Workaround: Log out of Nuance Management Center and close Dragon prior to shutting down your computer.

"This app isn't verified" message appears in Learn From Sent Emails using Gmail When you launch the Learn from Sent Emails tool and select Gmail as your email source, an error indicating that the app isn’t verified may occur. Click the link at the bottom (unsafe or not recommended) to proceed.
Slight delays after copying and pasting large documents Pasting documents of 40+ pages into Gmail may take up to 15 seconds before the microphone can be turned on and you can dictate. Dragon is not hanging; there is simply a delay.
Some navigation commands not working correctly in Microsoft Outlook 2019 in embedded email view

The following commands do not work correctly in Outlook 2019 in embedded email view:

  • "Go to the To Field"
  • "Go to the Cc Field"
  • "Go to the Bcc Field"

However, the commands do work in pop-out view.

New scripting engine (WinWrap) returns long as typename for integer When you create a command with the Advanced Scripting feature, the new WinWrap Basic engine returns typename long instead of integer.
Windows "X" (or "Close") button flickers in applications during dictation When you dictate in DragonPad, Notepad, or Microsoft Word, the "X" (or "Close") button may flicker.
When exporting a DEU or FRA vocabulary, importing it may change the associated region

When you export a vocabulary (for example , fra-CHE language/region or deu-AUT language/region) and then import it, the region becomes deu-DEU or fra-FRA.

This is for FRA or DEU vocabularies only.

VocTool stuck at Authorization token window for Google Drive documents

When you attempt to use the VocTool with GoogleDocs, the VocTool gets stuck at the Google Drive Authorization screen.

"Post That to Twitter" command does not work When you select text and attempt to post it to Twitter using the "Post That to Twitter" command, the Twitter login page does not open.
With Published Dragon, dictation is allowed without having focus on an edit control

When you are using Citrix and you start to dictate when no application or edit control has focus, text may be entered into a non-visible/background dictation box that you cannot close and this prevents Dragon from closing properly.

Workaround: Ensure that focus is on the published application prior to dictating.

Text dictated during Reset Audio Calibration can be inserted into an edit control after audio calibration was performed

When you select Settings>Microphone>Reset Audio Calibration from the DragonBar, read calibration text, turn the microphone on, and then place your cursor in an edit control after the calibration is complete, the calibration text is incorrectly copied into the edit control.

Workaround: Close and relaunch your user profile or restart Dragon after resetting audio calibration.

DragonBar not restored from Tray mode

The DragonBar does not get restored from Tray mode for some users when Dragon is installed with the Start Dragon minimized in the tray option as the default.

Workaround: Close and relaunch Dragon and Dragon will be correctly in Tray mode and the DragonBar can be restored.

Error message indicating user profile cannot be closed because applications are using it occurs Having multiple unsaved documents open while trying to shut down Dragon may trigger this message. Ensure that all documents are properly saved and closed prior to shutting down Dragon.