Auto-Text Commands Editor

Use the Auto-Text Commands Editor to create and edit Auto-Text commands. Auto-Text is a block of content that you specify – including text, graphics, or both - for which you create a custom voice command. In your dictation, when you say the command, Dragon enters your content. For more information, see Creating Auto-Text commands.

Option Description

When you say

What you'll say to run the command. Choose a phrase that is easy to remember but not likely to be used in normal dictation.


Brief description of what the command does.

Dragon will enter

What you want Dragon to insert when you use this command.

Use the formatting tools to style your content. To add a tabbed space, press Ctrl+Tab.

To add a bitmap image, open it in your graphic editing software and copy it, then paste it here.

Insert Field

Click to add a field to your content. Fields are placeholders for text that varies from one document to another.
For more information, see Using fields with Auto-Text commands.

Plain Text

If selected, Dragon formats your content in the same style as any text that precedes it in your document.

If deselected, Dragon preserves any formatting you specified here. Note that this only works with applications that support Rich Text Formatting.

Default value: Deselected

If you paste content into this dialog to use as your Auto-Text—either a bitmap image or formatted text—leave this option deselected. Otherwise, the pasted content loses its original formatting.


Click to save your new command.

Advanced Click to configure advanced settings for your Auto-Text command, like restricting its availability to specific applications or specific windows. Dragon opens the command in the MyCommands Editor, where you can apply these settings.


Related procedures

Additional information

Working with custom commands Managing your custom commands dialog box
Creating Auto-Text commands