More commands dialog box

Settings> Options>Commands>More Commands button

Use the More commands dialog box to enable Natural Language (NLP) Commands. Natural Language Commands are based on natural, conversational speech and allow you to perform actions in applications using fewer commands. For example, suppose you want to save a Microsoft Word document. Instead of saying "Click File" and then "Click Save", you could simply say, "Save Changes". Using Natural Language Commands, you do not need to memorize Dragon's commands; you can simply say what comes naturally, like "Bold the last paragraph".

For more information, see About Natural Language Commands.

Option Description

Enable Natural Language Commands

If selected, enables Natural Language Commands. This feature requires an additional 8MB of memory. You must restart your computer after enabling this option.

If deselected, disables Natural Language Commands. You'll need to use specific Dragon commands instead. For example, instead of "Save Changes", you must say "Click File", and then "Click Save".

Default value: Selected

Note: If you select this option, Natural Language Commands are enabled for all user profiles.

Enable Microsoft Word commands

Enable Microsoft Excel commands

Enable Microsoft PowerPoint commands

Enable Corel WordPerfect commands

If selected, enables natural language commands in these applications.

If deselected, disables natural language commands.

Default value: Selected

Enable Twitter post commands

If selected, enables posting to Twitter by voice.

For more information, see Posting to Twitter.


Related procedures

Additional information

Posting to Twitter About Natural Language Commands