Help us improve Dragon

By enabling User Experience Collection, you can make your Dragon experience count! This optional but important feature collects Google Analytics metrics and up to 500 MB of transcripts and audio data from your Dragon user profile.

Analyzing usage data from many participants helps our researchers identify patterns, like which applications, menus, and command sequences are most used. It also helps us prioritize our work and improve Dragon's accuracy, usability, and features.

No personal information is ever sent, and participation is completely voluntary.

You can stop or start participating at any time through the Options dialog box—Data page, where you can also delete the data.

If you are using a Dragon edition where Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is enabled, this page is unavailable in the Dragon client. Your Dragon administrator manages this setting in the NMC console.

Option Description

Enable this now (recommended)

Dragon enables User Experience Collection for this user profile now.

Although Google Analytics metrics are collected continually, transcripts and audio data are sent through a scheduled task. The default start time for this task aims to avoid impacting your computer usage or Nuance's server loads. You can optionally change the scheduled frequency and start time after you create your user profile.

You'll need to close Dragon before the process starts, and leave your computer powered on during the time the task is scheduled. Dragon cannot run User Experience Collection when Dragon is open or is your computer is powered off.

Ask me later

After you have used this user profile for a week, Dragon asks you whether you want to enable User Experience Collection for this user profile.

Don't enable this now

Dragon doesn't enable User Experience Collection for this user profile. By default, it's not enabled.

Privacy statement

Click to access the privacy policy on the Nuance web site.


Related procedures

Additional information

  About User Experience Collection
  Options dialog box—Data
  Administrative Settings dialog box—Scheduled Tasks tab