Working with Microsoft Excel—Working with cell content

These procedures use Natural Language Commands. To use them, you must have enabled the Enable Natural Language Commands option and the Enable Microsoft Excel commands option on the Options dialog box—Commands page. For more information, see About Natural Language Commands.

For a list of commands you can use in Excel, say "What Can I Say?" at any time.

To select a cell:

Say "Select Cell <column><row>".

Example: "Select Cell A5".

To select a row:

Say one of the following:

  • "Select Row <number>"
  • "Select Next Row"
  • "Select Previous Row"

To select a column:

Say one of the following:

  • "Select Column <letter>"
  • "Select Next Column"
  • "Select Previous Column"

To bold, italicize, or underline cells:

Do one of the following:

  1. Say one of the following:

    • "Select Cell <column><row>"
    • "Select Row <number>"
    • "Select Column <letter>"
  2. Say one of the following:

    • "Bold That"
    • "Italicize That"
    • "Underline That"


Use a Natural Language Command, like one of the following:

  • "Bold Cell <column><row>"
  • "Italicize Row <number>"
  • "Underline the Next Row"
  • "Bold Column <letter>"
  • "Italicize the Next Column"
  • "Underline this Column"

To add or edit cell content:

To add content and stay in the cell:

  1. Say "Cell <letter><number>".
  2. Dictate the cell content.

    For example, "Accounts Payable", or "one hundred twenty dollars".

  3. Say "Apply".

To add content and go to the next cell:

  1. Say "Cell <letter><number>".
  2. Dictate the cell content.
  3. Say "Press Enter".

To revert cell entry:

Say "Cancel".

To delete cell, row, or column contents:

  1. Move the cursor to the cell, row, or column. Say one of the following:

    • "Select Cell <column><row>"
    • "Select Row <number>"
    • "Select Column <letter>"
  2. Say one of the following:

    • "Clear All from this Cell"
    • "Clear All from this Row"
    • "Clear All from this Column"


Related procedures

Additional information

Working with Microsoft Excel About Natural Language Commands
Formatting font type, size, and style