Performing a microphone check

You should perform a microphone check if you get a new microphone, or if Dragon can't hear you well.

To perform a microphone check:

  1. From the DragonBar, select Settings>Microphone>Check Microphone.

    The Check Microphone wizard opens.

  2. Proceed through the wizard.

    For more information, click the Help button on each screen.

    If you disabled the Automatically adjust the microphone level as I speak option in the Choose a Microphone dialog box, Dragon prompts you to close and then re-open your user profile for your new audio level settings to take effect.

  3. Dragon alerts you if it finds any problems with the audio. If no problems are found, the window closes automatically.

Related procedures

Additional information

Working with the DragonBar Using Dragon's microphone
Positioning your microphone properly Microphone tips
  Choose a Microphone