About Playback


The Playback feature allows you to play a recording of your dictation. Dragon temporarily records what you dictate to allow you to play it back. Using Playback makes it easier for you to correct dictation mistakes and misrecognitions by allowing you to listen to your recorded speech and review and correct your dictation at the same time.

You can also use Playback to review and correct another user's dictation.

Playback is available in any text field where Dragon has Full Text Control.



Saving your recorded dictation

When you close the application in which you were dictating, Dragon discards its recording. However, if you dictate in a supported word processor and save the document, Dragon saves the corresponding audio. This allows you to defer your dictation correction so that you or someone else can do it later. Dragon saves audio in these word processors:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Corel WordPerfect
  • DragonPad

Dragon saves the recording file with the same name as your text file with the extension .DRA and places it in the same folder. Playback is available in your document as long as both the audio file and the text file are in the same location.


  • Set the following options on the Options dialog box—Data page:
    • Disk space reserved for playback—Specify space in MB. Set to 0 to disable Playback.
    • Save recorded dictation with document—Set to Always or Ask me. Set to Never to disable dictation recording.

    If you are using a Dragon edition where Nuance Management Center/NMS mode is enabled, this page is unavailable in the Dragon client. Your Dragon administrator manages these settings in the NMC console.

  • Optionally set the following option on the Options dialog box—Correction page:
    • Automatic playback on correction—Plays back your recorded dictation automatically when you open the Correction menu.
  • Optionally set the playback speed and volume on the Options dialog box—Playback/Text-to-speech page.


There are hot keys to fast forward and rewind your playback on the Options dialog box—Hot keys page.


Related procedures

Additional information

Playing back dictation About correction
Correcting another user's dictation About Full Text Control