About custom commands


A custom command is a voice command that you create yourself to allow Dragon to perform an action. These commands allow you to automate repetitive text entry and graphics insertion tasks, like logos and scanned signatures, while working in virtually any Windows application. They also allow you to automate specific tasks, like turning Dragon's microphone on and off. You use the MyCommands Editor to create custom commands.

Do not include secure information, such as credit card numbers or passwords, in your custom commands.



You can create the following types of commands:

  • Auto-Text—Enables Dragon to type any standard text when you say a custom command.
  • Macro Recorder—Records a sequence of mouse movements and keystrokes. Then, when you say the macro recorder command, Dragon plays back these mouse movements and keystrokes.
  • Step-by-Step—Activates menu and keystroke commands to control your applications. Steps in the command can do any of the following:

    • Type text
    • Press a keyboard key
    • Open an application
    • Turn the microphone on or off

    This is useful for controlling applications and for multi-step tasks.

  • Advanced Scripting—Used to program commands that can perform virtually any function on the computer with voice commands. The scripting commands require familiarity with programming languages such as Microsoft® VBA.

    For a list of the scripting commands and how to use them, see:

You can disable a user's ability to modify macro recorder, step-by-step commands, and advanced scripting commands, but still allow them to run those commands. For more information, see the Administrative Settings dialog box—Miscellaneous tab.


Related procedures

Additional information

Creating Auto-Text commands Options dialog box—Miscellaneous
Working with custom commands MyCommands Editor—Step-by-Step dialog box
Working with custom commands MyCommands Editor—Advanced Scripting dialog box