HTTP Settings dialog box

Settings>Administrative Settings>Roaming tab>Add button>HTTP Settings button

Use the HTTP Settings dialog box to configure your Web server connection.

Option Description

Prompt for User and Password

If selected, Dragon prompts users with local user profiles for a username and password when they connect to the HTTP server.

If deselected, Dragon does not prompt users for a username and password.

Default value: Deselected

User Password

Default username and password required to connect to the HTTP server. Usernames must be fully qualified with the domain name.

Authentication Type

Type of authentication used on the HTTP server. The options are:

  • Basic—Username and password are passed over the network as clear text.
  • Digest—Passwords are never transmitted across the Internet in unencrypted form.

Default value: Basic

Note: For security reasons, ensure that anonymous logins are disabled on the HTTP or HTTPS server.

Follow Redirects

Determines how Dragon handles redirects if you are storing the master roaming user profiles on a server that redirects incoming connections to another location. The options are:

  • Never—Redirects are ignored.
  • Always—Redirects are always followed.
  • Same Scheme Only—Only redirects using the same scheme as the client request are allowed.

Keep Connection Alive

If selected, the client and server keep the connection alive after the current session ends.

If deselected, the connection ends when the current session ends.

Default value: Deselected

Use Proxy Server

If selected, indicates that connections to your HTTP server are through a proxy server.

If deselected, connections are not through a proxy server.

Default value: Deselected


Select the firewall type used on the HTTP server. The options are:

  • HTTP Proxy—Proxy server specializes in Web page transactions.
  • Tunnel—Server connections are through tunneling software.
  • SOCKS4—Select for a SOCKS4 protocol that relays TCP sessions at a firewall host to allow application users transparent access across the firewall. SOCKS4 clients require full Domain Name Service (DNS).
  • SOCKS5—Select for a SOCKS5 protocol that relays TCP sessions at a firewall host to allow application users transparent access across the firewall. SOCKS5 supports multiple authentication methods. SOCKS5 clients use the SOCKS5 server to perform the DNS lookup.

Default value: HTTP Proxy


Server name provided by your network administrator.


Port number needed to connect to the proxy server or firewall.


Username needed to log in to the proxy server or firewall.


Password needed to log in to the proxy server or firewall.

Firewall Data or Proxy Authorization

Authentication string provided by your network administrator.


Number of seconds the server waits before breaking the lock on any open master roaming user profile. Specifying 0 uses the default setting from the server.


Number of seconds before Dragon should close the connection to the server either when the connection is idle or after the connection has been open for that duration.


Indicates when the connection timeout applies. The options are:

  • Inactivity—Closes the connection after the Roaming User Profile is inactive for the specified time.
  • Absolute—Closes the connection after the specified time independent of any Roaming User Profile network activity. Use this option with caution, as it could close the connection during synchronization.

Test Connection

Click to test the connection to the HTTP server.

Restore Defaults

Click to restore default values for settings on this tab.


Related procedures

Additional information

Roaming feature setup checklist About the Roaming feature
Creating Roaming user profiles About Roaming user profiles
Scheduling Accuracy Tuning for Roaming users About Master and Local Roaming user profile synchronization
Working with Roaming user profiles SSL Settings dialog box