Administrative Settings dialog box—Roaming tab

Settings>Administrative Settings>Roaming tab

Use the Administrative Settings dialog box—Roaming tab to set up the Roaming feature. You must set up this feature on each computer where you want Dragon users to dictate with Roaming user profiles. For more information, see Roaming feature setup checklist.

This tab is disabled when you have enabled Nuance Management Center/NMS mode. You enable the Roaming feature in the Nuance Management Center (NMC) console. For more information, see the Nuance Management Center Administrator Guide.

Option Description


If selected, enables the Roaming feature and the Roaming user profile options.

If deselected, disables the Roaming feature.

For more information on setting up and configuring the Roaming feature, see Roaming feature setup checklist.

Default value: Disabled

Network Directories

Sets the Master Roaming user profile network storage location. You must install WebDAV, a third-party Web server application, to set up a compatible WebDAV HTTP or SSL server. WebDAV software is required to access and secure Dragon user profiles on the Internet location. WebDAV is available free of charge at

Do one of the following:

  • Click Delete to delete a location.
  • Click Edit to edit a location.

Local directory (for cache)

Location of the Local Roaming user profile. The Local Roaming user profile is a copy of the Master Roaming user profile that Dragon transfers to the local computer. The copy is always called <Roaming Local>.

Click Browse to navigate to a location.

Default location:

Windows: \ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking15\RoamingUsers

Display Classic Open User Profiles dialog

If selected, enables the classic Open User Profile dialog box. The dialog box displays only folders that contain actual Dragon user profiles.

If disabled, the default appearance for this dialog box is displayed.

Default value: Deselected

Allow non-roaming User Profiles to be opened

If selected, allows users to open both non-Roaming user profiles and Roaming user profiles from the Open User Profile dialog box. Nuance recommends deselecting this option to prevent users from dictating with a non-Roaming user profile unintentionally.

If deselected, only Roaming user profiles appear in the Open User Profile dialog box.

Default value: Deselected

Merge contents of vocdelta.voc into network User Profile when file is full

If selected, Dragon copies the contents of the local vocdelta.voc file to the Master Roaming user profile without running the Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer. In addition, Dragon monitors the size of the file. When the file reaches 90% of its maximum size (500 KB), Dragon copies the contents of the file to the local cache and to the Master Roaming user profile. Dragon then deletes the contents of the local vocdelta.voc file. This occurs when you open the local roaming user profile and can take some time.

If deselected, Dragon does not merge the contents of the vocdelta.voc file.

Default value: Selected

Access network at User Profile open/close only

If selected, synchronizes changes made to the local roaming user profile to the Master Roaming user profile only when a local roaming user profile opens or closes. These changes include the changes a user makes locally from the Options dialog box. If you experience excessive network slowdowns, selecting this option may solve the problem by limiting the number of times the Local and Master Roaming Profiles are synchronized.

If deselected, Dragon transfers local changes immediately to the Master Roaming user profile.

For more information, see About Master and Local Roaming user profile synchronization.

Default value: Deselected

Ask before breaking locks on network User Profiles (recommended for UNC and mapped drives)

If selected, Dragon prompts you when you attempt to break a network lock on network user profiles. This option is valid for users connecting to the Master Roaming Profile location using a mapped drive or UNC drive, but is not supported for users connecting over HTTP.

Because the presence of a lock can indicate a problem that needs to be addressed, Nuance recommends that you enable this option.

If deselected, Dragon does not prompt you when you attempt to break network locks on user profiles.

Caution: If you break a network lock when another user is writing to the Master Roaming user profile, breaking the lock may corrupt the profile.

Default value: Selected

Set audio levels on each machine

If selected, runs the microphone check before your first session with a Roaming user profile. You should select this option if your users are dictating on different computers or on a single computer in many different locations. When a user changes computers or locations, the audio setup data can vary depending on differences in the microphone and sound card, and differences in ambient sound levels of each roaming user profile location.

If deselected, Dragon does not run the microphone check before your first Roaming user profile session.

Default value: Deselected

Save acoustic information

If selected, saves your acoustic information along with your local user profile. By saving the acoustic information, you ensure that any corrections you make are available after you close and re-open the user profile.

If deselected, Dragon does not save acoustic information with your local user profile.

Default value: Selected

Prompt before saving to network location

If selected, displays a dialog box that allows you to choose where to save your user profile. Dragon displays the dialog box when you attempt to close Dragon, close a user profile, or shut down the operating system. The dialog box displays an estimate of the time required to save the profile to the local cache or the master location.

If deselected, Dragon does not prompt you before saving your user profile to a network location.

Default value: Deselected

Copy Dragon Log to Network

If selected, copies the Dragon.log file from the local workstation to the Master Roaming user profile location when Dragon synchronizes the local and Master Roaming user profiles. The Dragon.log file contains information that can help to diagnose problems that users may encounter using Dragon.

Selecting this option can increase the time it takes to close a roaming user profile.

Note: Dragon does not copy the Dragon.log file when the maximum size is reached in the Disk space reserved for network archive option.

Default value: Deselected

Conserve archive size on network

If selected, Dragon does not copy .dra files that contain the acoustic data from the latest dictation session to the Master Roaming user profile location when Dragon synchronizes the local and Master Roaming user profiles. If you experience excessive network latency, selecting this option may solve the problem by eliminating the copying of these files each time the master and local roaming user profiles synchronize.

Dragon does not copy .dra files when the maximum size is reached in the Disk space reserved for network archive option.

If deselected, allows the .DRA files to synchronize with the Master Roaming user profile, which makes them available to the Acoustic and Language Model Optimizer when it runs on the Master Roaming user profile locations.

Default value: Deselected

Disk space reserved for network archive

Maximum size of the network directory containing the acoustic data available to the Acoustic Optimizer. To conserve space, you can reduce the default size and select the Conserve archive size on network option.

Default value: 1000 MB per dictation source

Restore Defaults

Click to restore default values for settings on this tab.

Note: Restoring default values disables the Roaming feature.