MyCommands Editor—Macro Recorder dialog box

Use the MyCommands Editor—Macro Recorder dialog box to record a sequence of mouse movements and keystrokes. When you say the name of the Macro Recorder command, Dragon plays back these mouse movements and keystrokes.

Before you begin, use your mouse and keyboard to run through the actions to make sure you can perform them smoothly while you record. You may want to make notes to help you through the steps. If the command is application- or window-specific, be sure the correct application or window is open and active.

Recorded macros are dependent on various settings on your computer, such as screen resolution or the operating system. These macros can produce unexpected results if used on a different computer or if you change the settings on your current computer.

Option Description

Spoken Title

What you say to execute the command. For example, "Insert Company Logo". Click the Train button to teach Dragon how to pronounce it.

Enter an angle bracket (<) to open the MyCommands Name Editor dialog box to specify a variable.


Brief description of what the command does. Optional.

Advanced options

Click Advanced for additional options.

Option Description


List of categories by which you can group your commands. Use these categories to locate the command in the Command Browser.

To create your own group, select User-defined and type your own group name.


Indicates how the command is available to Dragon. The options are:

  • Global: Available in every application.
  • Application-specific: Available in the application you specify. When you select this option, the applications that are currently open on your computer appear in a list. If the application you want is not open, click the Browse button to locate the application on your computer.
  • Window-specific: Available in the window you specify. When you select this option, the Application and Window lists appear. If the application or window you want is not in the list, you must close the dialog box, open the application or window you want, and reopen the MyCommands Editor—Text and Graphics dialog box to see the window listed.

When you select either the Application-specific or Window-specific option, the Recognizable in States list appears. You can either select from the list or enter the name of a new state. A command with this option will be available in the state you specify within the window or application you specify.

Command Type

Indicates the command type. In this case, the type is Macro Recorder. The other command types are:

Name Editor

Click to open the MyCommands Name Editor dialog box. Use this dialog box to assign variables to your command, such as a name for the command you want to create.

For more information, see MyCommands—Name Editor dialog box.


Sequence of mouse movements and keystrokes you record.


Begins the macro recording sequence. A floating window appears.

Perform the keystrokes and mouse movements that you want to record.

When you are finished, click the Stop button in the floating Recorder window.


Plays the recorded macro.


Opens the Macro Recorder Action dialog box. Use this dialog box to insert mouse and keyboard actions in the Actions window rather than recording your macro again.


Opens the Macro Recorder Action dialog box. Use this dialog box to edit selected mouse movements or keystrokes in your macro.

You cannot edit a macro after you save it.


Click to delete selected mouse movements or keystrokes in your macro.


Click to save your macro. This button is unavailable until you provide a Spoken Title.

Create New

Click to open the Macro Recorder dialog box with a duplicate of the current Macro. You can rename and edit the macro to create a new macro.

Note: This button is active only when you open the editor from the Script area of the Command Browser by selecting a command and clicking Edit.


Related procedures

Additional information

Managing your custom commands dialog box MyCommands Editor—Step-by-Step dialog box
  MyCommands Editor—Advanced Scripting dialog box
  MyCommands Editor—Auto-Text