About microphones and other dictation sources


A dictation source is a microphone or other audio input device that you use to dictate with Dragon. Dragon supports the following audio devices:

  • Headsets
  • Hand-held microphones


No. You must have at least one to use Dragon.

How many you can have

One or more.

Maximum allowed


Where to configure

In previous releases, Dragon required you to add your microphone and other audio devices as a dictation source before using them. In this release, Dragon automatically detects the microphones that are connected to your computer, and no longer requires you to first create a dictation source.

To dictate with a different audio device, simply choose a different microphone that’s connected to your computer. From the DragonBar, select Settings>Choose Microphone.



Related procedures

Additional information

Working with microphones and other dictation sources Dictation guidelines

9/20/2018 2:53 PM