Navigating Dragon with your keyboard

To navigate Dragon’s interface and Help system by keyboard, use the following:

  • Keyboard shortcuts, including:
    • Enter—Activates the object that has focus.
    • Alt + F4—Closes the window that has focus.
    • Esc—Closes a menu.
    • Tab—Moves the focus forward.
    • [spacebar]—Selects a check box in focus.
  • Access keys—Press Alt and the underlined character on a label, button, menu, or other interface control. If the character underlining is not visible, press Alt.
  • Hot keys—Dragon's hot keys provide keyboard shortcuts for specific Dragon functions. For a list of default hot key assignments, or to change Dragon's default hot keys, see Options dialog box—Hot keys.

  • Dragon Help window keyboard shortcuts:
    • Alt + <left arrow>—Navigates back one page.
    • Alt + <right arrow>—Navigates forward one page.
    • Alt + F4—Closes the help.
    • Page Up —Moves up one page at a time.
    • Page Down—Moves down one page at a time.
    • End—Goes to the bottom of the Help topic.
    • Home—Goes to the top of the Help topic
    • Ctrl + p—Prints the topic.
    • Tab key—Tabs through all the links on the Help page, and also navigates to the Search field.
    • Enter—Activates the current link or, if you are in the Search field, submits your search.

Related procedures

Additional information

Using your mouse by voice Getting help
Using your mouse with MouseGrid Tips for vision-impaired users
Using your keyboard by voice  

4/25/2018 2:35 PM