If audio quality is low

If Dragon detects an issue with low-quality audio, one of the following audio quality warnings appears:

  • Low-quality audio/Poor signal: Appears when you are working in a very noisy environment or if there is a problem with microphone positioning or operation, or with your computer's sound card.
  • Bluetooth dropouts: Appears when your Bluetooth microphone battery is low or when you have moved beyond the range of your device.
  • Signal Clipped: Appears when you are dictating too loudly or if there is a problem with microphone positioning or operation, or with your computer's sound card.

Note: You can still save your user profile if you receive any of these error messages. Dragon excludes any low-quality audio from adaptation.

Check the following to resolve the problem:

  • Ensure the microphone is positioned properly and has not moved away from where you originally positioned it when you ran the Check Microphone wizard. For more information, see Microphone tips.
  • Ensure your microphone is working properly. Deteriorating microphone input is the most frequent cause of deteriorating accuracy. Run the Check Microphone wizard to check that the microphone input is still acceptable. To run the wizard, from the DragonBar, select Settings>Microphone>Check Microphone.
  • Minimize background noise. Many microphones have noise canceling capabilities, which filter out background noise, but it's still a good idea to keep background noise consistent.
  • If you have changed your microphone or sound system, run the Check Microphone wizard. From the DragonBar, select Settings>Microphone>Check Microphone
  • If you have multiple user profiles on your computer, make sure the correct user profile is open.
  • Teach Dragon your personal choice of words and word usage. To do this, say "Switch to DragonBar", then "Tools", then "Vocabulary Center", then "Learn From Specific Documents", or from the DragonBar, select Tools>Vocabulary Center>Learn from Specific Documents. Dragon prompts you to select one or more documents to process and add to its Vocabulary.
  • If you have added words from your documents to the vocabulary but are now dictating a different kind of document than you used to build your vocabulary, add a new vocabulary using documents similar to the one you are dictating.

4/25/2018 2:35 PM