Working with Microsoft Outlook—Working with your calendar

For a list of commands you can use in Outlook, say "What Can I Say?" at any time.

To open Outlook:

Say "Open Microsoft Outlook".

To view your calendar:

Say "Open Calendar".

To open the File menu:

Say "Click File Tab".

To open all other menus:

Say "Click <menu name>".

To select a menu item:

Say "Click <menu option>".

To create and send a new meeting invitation:

You can also use Dragon's Voice Shortcut commands to create a meeting invitation using fewer commands. You can use these commands to create meetings even when Outlook is closed.

For more information, see Using voice shortcuts to send email and create calendar entries.

  1. Say "Open Calendar".

    Dragon opens your calendar.

  2. Say "Plan a Meeting".

    Dragon creates a new meeting invitation.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Use the Scheduling Assistant to invite attendees.

      1. Say "Click Scheduling Assistant".

        The Scheduling Assistant opens.

      2. Dictate or type attendees.
      3. Say "Click Appointment" to return to the invitation.
    • Use the To field to invite attendees.

      1. Say "Click To".

        The Select Attendees dialog box opens.

      2. Dictate or type attendee names.
      3. Say "Click Required".
      4. Say "Click OK".

    For more information, see Dictating email addresses and web addresses.

  4. Say "Go to the Subject Field".
  5. Dictate the subject.
  6. Say "Go to the Location Field".
  7. Do one of the following:

    • Dictate the subject field.
    • Say "Click Rooms" and select a conference room.
  8. Set the meeting start and end time. Say the following:

    • "Make the Start Date <date>"
    • "Make the Start Time <time>"
    • "Make the End Date <date>"
    • "Make the End Time <time>"
  9. Say "Click Send".

To create a new appointment:

  1. Say "Open Calendar".

    Dragon opens your calendar.

  2. Say "Create a New Appointment".

    Dragon creates a new appointment.

  3. Dictate the subject.
  4. Say "Go to the Location Field".
  5. Dictate the location.

    The Dictation Box may open. For more information, see Using and customizing the Dictation Box.

  6. Set the meeting start and end time. Say the following:

    • "Make the Start Date <date>"
    • "Make the Start Time <time>"
    • "Make the End Date <date>"
    • "Make the End Time <time>"
  7. Say "Click Save and Close".


Related procedures

Additional information

Working with Microsoft Outlook About email
Using voice shortcuts to send email and create calendar entries  

4/25/2018 2:34 PM