Unlock Instruction
Unlock StreamNum
Unlock StreamNum, RecordNum
Unlock StreamNum, [start]
To end
Form 1: Unlock all of StreamNum.
Form 2: Unlock a record (or byte) of StreamNum.
Form 3: Unlock a range of records (or bytes) of StreamNum.
If start is omitted then unlock starting
at the first record (or byte).
Note: For sequential files (Input, Output and Append) unlock always affects
the entire file.
Parameter | Description |
StreamNum | Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all macros. |
RecordNum | For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte position. The first byte is 1. |
start | First record (or byte) in the range. |
end | Last record (or byte) in the range. |
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
Open "SAVE_V.DAT" For Binary
As #1
Lock #1
Get #1, 1, V
V = "Hello"
Put #1, 1, V
Unlock #1
Close #1
End Sub