Calls the Microsoft HTML Help API. This command enables you to display HTML Help and close HTML Help windows. For more information on the HTML Help API, see the Microsoft HTML Help documentation.


The following sections provide the syntax for each supported HTML Help API commands and describe the command's function. They use the following common parameter names:

Parameter Description
helpFile The name of the complied HTML Help file to open, for example, dragon_enx.chm. If you do not specify a full path, Dragon looks in the currently active Dragon Help folder. If the file is not found there, the normal HTML Help file search rules apply.
topic The specific HTML topic to display. If the compiled help uses subdirectories, this parameter must include the subdirectory. For example, this topic is scrptref/htmlhelp.htm. Note that the identifier uses a forward slash (/).
window The name of the window in which to display the HTML Help, for example, main. This parameter is always optional.


HTMLHelp "helpFile[>window]", "HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC", "topic"

Opens the specified topic.


HTMLHelp "helpFile[::/topic][>window]", "HH_DISPLAY_TOC"

Displays the Table of Contents navigation pane and opens the specified topic, if any.


HTMLHelp "helpFile[::/topic][>window]", "HH_DISPLAY_INDEX", "[indexSearchText]"

Displays the Index navigation pane and enters the indexSearchText string, if any, in the keyword field.


HTMLHelp "helpFile[>window]", "HH_HELP_CONTEXT", "ContextId"

Displays the Help topic for the specified contextId in the specified window. The contextId must be the numeric ID in the [MAP] section of the Help project (.hhp) file for the topic to display.



Closes all HTML Help Windows opened by this program. The first argument must be an empty pair of double quotes.



This instruction opens dragon_enx.chm in the default window, displays the Contents tab in the navigation pane, and displays the htmlhelp.htm topic (this topic) in the topic pane.

HTMLHelp "dragon_enx.chm::/scrptref/htmlhelp.htm, "HH_DISPLAY_TOC"


This instruction opens MyProg.chm in a Help window named "HiddenNav" and displays the topic with the context ID 133096 (Hex 207E8).

HTMLHelp "C:\\MyProg\Help\MyProg.chm>HiddenNav", "HH_HELP_CONTEXT", "133096"


  • Dragon does not get error returns from the HTML Help engine. As a result, it cannot display any messages when an HTML Help error occurs.
  • If the HTML Help file name does not use an absolute path, The HTMLHelp command first checks in the Dragon Help directory for the requested help file. If the file is not found, the he normal HTML Help file search rules apply.