Read Training Text

DragonBar>Audio>Read text to improve accuracy...


Help>Improve my accuracy>Read text to train Dragon to your voice

To give Dragon acoustic training, you read from one of several texts.

When you choose your text, you can read that text from the screen, or print a copy of it. When you're ready, you simply read the text aloud.

Dragon indicates when it has enough information to adapt your user profile. Adapting your user profile can take between 10 minutes to an hour.

The reading can be completed in four minutes, but you can take as long as you need, including long pauses.

Click Next to continue.

Step 1: Read Training Text - Choosing text to read

The Choosing text to read screen allows you to select the text to read to give Dragon Runtime acoustic training.

Select a passage from the list.


Click View to view the passage, or Next to continue.

Step: 2 Read Training Text—Text Display

How would you like to read the text? Choose one of the following:

  • From the screen—Dragon displays the training text in the Speaking to the Computer window. This window has a timer, and its buttons allow you to pause or to move to the next or previous page.
  • From a printed page—Dragon opens the training text in WordPad to allow you to print it.

Step 3: Read Training Text—Speaking to the Computer

Verify that your microphone is positioned correctly, and then click Train to start training.

Step 4: Adapting your user profile

Dragon tells you when it's collected enough data. Click Start Adapting to begin the process of adapting your user profile.

This step can take between 10 minutes and an hour to complete depending on your user profile type and system speed.