
Issues with Upgraded Profiles

In this topic, learn what to do if:

  • Your profile upgrade failed
  • You can't find your upgraded Transcription profiles

Profile upgrade failed

Dragon does its best to upgrade existing profiles. In rare cases, profiles can contain damage that cannot be repaired when upgraded. If you have no custom vocabulary, the simplest answer is to create a new profile and delete the old damaged profile.

If you have custom vocabulary you need to preserve, you can try these steps:

Option 1:

Before upgrading your profile, Dragon saves a copy in a zip file stored in the /Documents/Dragon/Support folder. Try restoring this backup copy and upgrading again.

  1. Quit Dragon.
  2. Find your upgraded profiles in /Documents/Dragon.
  3. Move any new profiles to the Trash, but DO NOT EMPTY THE TRASH.
  4. Unzip the old Dragon version 4 or 5 profile in /Documents/Dragon/Support.
  5. Open Dragon and try upgrading the profile again.
  6. You may or may not be asked to repeat Microphone Setup, based on Dragon's analysis of how to provide the highest quality recognition after upgrading.

  7. Test this upgraded profile to ensure the imported vocabulary works as expected. If so, it is safe to empty the Trash.

Option 2

If you can load the profile, export the user-added vocabulary, then import it to a new profile.

  1. Immediately after launching Dragon, load the suspect profile (if not the default), and choose Edit Vocabulary… from the Dragon menu (Dragon menu).
  2. The Vocabulary Editor opens.

  3. Choose User from the drop-down list to view only user-added custom vocabulary.
  4. Press Command-A on the keyboard to select all items.
  5. Click the Gear menu menu at the bottom of the Vocabulary Editor and select Export.
  6. A popup window appears.

  7. Enter a name for the file in the Save As field
  8. In the Where field, select the folder where you want to save the file.
  9. Click Export.
  10. Dragon creates an .xml file containing all custom vocabulary for the selected profile. A notification appears when the export is complete.

  11. Click OK, then close the Vocabulary Editor and quit Dragon.
  12. Move the suspect profile to the Trash, but DO NOT EMPTY THE TRASH.
  13. Launch Dragon.
  14. Create a new profile, or use a profile that does not appear to be having issues.
  15. Click the Dragon menu icon in the menu bar and select Edit Vocabulary…
  16. Click the Gear menu menu at the bottom of the Vocabulary Editor and select Import.
  17. A Finder window appears.

  18. Select the file you previously saved and click Import.
  19. Test this new profile to ensure the imported vocabulary works as expected. If so, it is safe to empty the Trash.

Transcription profile is missing

Dragon Professional Individual for Mac 6 handles Transcription differently than previous versions. If you had profiles set up specifically for Transcription in Dragon for Mac 5 or Dragon Dictate 4, they do not appear in the Profiles pane. Instead, they appear in the Speaker dropdown list in the Transcription window. See What happened to Transcription sources? for more information.