Navigating Dragon with your keyboard

To navigate Dragon’s interface and Help system by keyboard, use the following:

  • Keyboard shortcuts, including:
    • Enter—Activates the object that has focus.
    • Alt + F4—Closes the window that has focus.
    • Esc—Closes a menu.
    • Tab—Moves the focus forward.
    • [spacebar]—Selects a check box in focus.
  • Access keys—Press Alt and the underlined character on a label, button, menu, or other interface control. If the character underlining is not visible, press Alt.
  • Hot keys—Dragon's hot keys provide keyboard shortcuts for specific Dragon functions. For a list of default hot key assignments, or to change Dragon's default hot keys, see Options dialog box—Hot keys.

  • Dragon Help window keyboard shortcuts:
    • Alt + <left arrow>—Navigates back one page.
    • Alt + <right arrow>—Navigates forward one page.
    • Alt + F4—Closes the help.
    • Page Up —Moves up one page at a time.
    • Page Down—Moves down one page at a time.
    • End—Goes to the bottom of the Help topic.
    • Home—Goes to the top of the Help topic
    • Ctrl + p—Prints the topic.
    • Tab key—Tabs through all the links on the Help page, and also navigates to the Search field.
    • Enter—Activates the current link or, if you are in the Search field, submits your search.

8/7/2018 2:29 PM