Capitalization Tab

The Capitalization tab of the Auto-formatting dialog box (Settings>Auto-Formatting Options) controls how Dragon capitalizes dictated words. Select the appropriate check boxes to enable the particular rules, or click Restore Defaults to restore the default settings. You can click Select All to quickly select all of them or Deselect All to quickly deselect all of them. Click Apply to apply the changes and keep the dialog box open.

Note that you can also configure Dragon to capitalize the first word after a new line using the Vocabulary Editor.

The following table lists the capitalization rules:

Rule Default

Person name capitalization

Sets the type of capitalization applied to any words in your Vocabulary where the "Special Capitalization" option is set to "Person name" in the Word Properties dialog box.

Standard (applies Dragon capitalization settings as specified in the Dragon dictionary, in this case initial caps.)

Valid values are:

  • Standard
  • All Caps

Department name capitalization

Sets the type of capitalization applied to any words in your Vocabulary where the "Special Capitalization" option is set to "Department name" in the Word Properties dialog box.

Standard (applies Dragon capitalization settings as specified in the Dragon dictionary, in this case ALL CAPS.)

Valid values are:

  • Standard
  • All Caps

Drug name capitalization

Sets the type of capitalization applied to any words in your Vocabulary where the "Special Capitalization" option is set to "Drug name" in the Word Properties dialog box.

Standard (applies Dragon capitalization settings as specified in the Dragon dictionary, in this case initial caps for non-generic drugs and lower case for generics.)

Valid values are:

  • Standard
  • Initial Caps
  • All Caps

Capitalize the word after a new line


Capitalize "allergy" and "no known drug allergies" as "ALLERGY" and "NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES"


Capitalize "against medical advice" as "AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE"


Capitalize "code blue" as "CODE BLUE"


Capitalize "code status" as "CODE STATUS"


Capitalize "do not intubate" and "do not resuscitate" as "DO NOT INTUBATE" and "DO NOT RESUSCITATE"


Capitalize "durable power of attorney" as "DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY"


Capitalize "fish" as "FISH"


Capitalize "left" and "right" as "LEFT" and "RIGHT"


Capitalize "living will" as "LIVING WILL"


Expand and capitalize "NKDA" as "NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES"


Spell "PO2" and "PC02" as "pO2" and "pCO2"


Capitalize "RBC/hpf" and "WBC/hpf" as "RBC/HPF" and "WBC/HPF"


Capitalize "trauma alert" as "TRAUMA ALERT"


8/7/2018 2:29 PM