Correcting another user's dictation

You can correct another user's dictation using Playback. You can play back another user's dictation while logged into that person’s user profile, or while logged into your own. To use playback, the user must have set the Save recorded dictation with document option on the Options dialog box—Data page to Always or Ask me.

If you log in to another user's profile, do not use voice commands to correct their dictation. Doing so modifies the user's speech data with your own voice characteristics. You should consider using Correction Only Mode to ensure you don't accidentally use voice commands.

  1. Open the dictated document.
  2. Open the user's profile. Do the following:

    1. From the DragonBar, select Settings>Profile>Open User Profile.

      The Open User Profile dialog box opens.

    2. Select the user profile, and then click Open.
  3. Play back the dictation. Do one of the following:

    • From the DragonBar, select Tools>Playback.
    • Use the Playback hot key. By default, this is the Shift key and the minus sign (-) on the numeric keypad.

  4. Use the Correction menu hot key to stop playback and correct text. Press the minus key (-) on the numeric keypad.

    The Correction menu opens.

  5. Use your mouse and keyboard to make selections from the Correction menu.

  6. Optionally fast forward or rewind playback as necessary.

    For more information, see Playing back dictation.

  7. Save the document and the user's speech files when you're done. From the DragonBar, select Settings>Profile>Save User Profile.

Related procedures

Additional information

Correcting your dictation The Correction menu
Playing back dictation About Playback
  About correction

8/7/2018 2:29 PM