IVR system for healthcare

Bring intelligence to your phone

An AI‑driven Intelligent Virtual Agent surpasses the performance of basic interactive voice response (IVR) systems and allows callers to speak freely and resolve their issues successfully, just as if they were speaking with a human. Power your patient access center or organization telephony with automated routing and call resolution that boosts patient satisfaction, achieves efficiencies, and contains staffing costs.

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Let patients use their words

With Nuance IVA (Intelligent Virtual Agent), patient callers verbalize their need and are quickly routed to self‑service options, live assistance, or other destinations. Intelligent automation helps organizations address high call volumes and make smart use of staff.

The best experiences rely on NLU‑powered AI on voice channels

See how Nuance is uniquely able to deliver an exceptional experience to patients over voice with technology that outperforms standard IVR.

IVR infographic thumbnail


Easy, effective conversational experiences

A sophisticated IVA designed for healthcare greets callers with “How can I help you today” and lets them answer naturally. Intelligent, automated responses quickly give them what they need. By eliminating the use of tedious or confusing menu prompts, organizations achieve shorter, more satisfying interactions.

Real‑world business outcomes

Average results for Nuance Voice IVA + Patient Support customers.


Containment rate (percentage of calls that are not handled by live agents)


Self service rate (percentage of calls with a completed self service transaction)


Support cost savings (based on cost per support call and number of calls deflected from live agents)


Powerful technology for simple, satisfying experiences

Surpass the capabilities of basic Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and reduce friction and frustration with Nuance IVA on voice channels. Callers verbalize their needs—faster and easier than choosing from a laundry list of recited options—and are routed to mapped destinations like phone lines, self‑service options, or live agents. Patients get what they need while organizations decrease the number of calls handled by live agents.

Complementary pre‑built solutions

Our first‑party patient engagement applications use the same NLU‑powered AI technology as leading brands known for excellent customer service. They integrate with organization systems and can be deployed in as little as four to six weeks, so organizations see value quickly—reduced staff workloads, decreased spend on support coverage, shorter call queues.