Administrator: 1:30 PM ET
User/trainer: 3:30 PM ET
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Wednesday, July 9, 2025
Wednesday, October 8, 2025
Explore the series
Whether you are a seasoned Dragon Medical One superuser, a new facility administrator, a C‑level executive or anywhere in between, you won’t want to miss these upcoming training opportunities.
Each quarter, Nuance subject-matter experts will cover the following topics:
What's new
The latest feature enhancements in Dragon Medical One
Spotlight topics
Current strategic initiatives in the Provider space
Refresher training
Our most popular feature sets and how to use them. Keep your Dragon Medical One skills current or invite your colleagues who are new to Dragon Medical One.
What would you do with 2 more hours in each day?
More than speech-to-text, Dragon Medical One is a powerful productivity tool that helps clinicians achieve higher quality documentation, enjoy greater flexibility, and save up to 2 hours per day.
Single voice profile (Play a video)
Access your personal vocabulary and voice commands anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Auto-texts (Play a video)
Quickly populate commonly-used phrases or documentation templates with your voice.
Step-by-step voice commands (Play a video)
Execute keypresses and mouse clicks for hands-free navigation of EHR fields and screens.