Global privacy—Data governance program

Data governance program

As a global leader in conversational AI, clients trust Nuance to deliver solutions that handle patient data responsibly. We remain firmly committed to helping our clients comply with their data protection requirements. In recognition of the reality that a sound data governance program is at the heart of data protection, the Nuance Data Governance Program manages the production, reliability, traceability, quality, integrity, disclosure, protection, and usage of data across the organization.

  • Change management: Nuance conducts privacy impact assessments on new or materially changed collection, disclosure, or use of Personal Information to ensure the collection and processing of Personal Information meets the requirements of our clients, policy and legal guidelines, and regulatory rules.
  • Data assessment and monitoring: Nuance assesses our process, procedures, and systems on a routine and regular basis to ensure that updates and improvements are implemented to maintain our standards.
  • Training and communications: Nuance conducts training on at least an annual basis, and more frequently as needed, to ensure workforce members are aware of their roles and responsibilities related to data governance.

For any cloud-based and on-premise solution, responsibility with respect to data privacy—including access and controls—is shared. Our clients are responsible for configuring Nuance solutions to support good data governance efforts and for enforcing applicable policies in their organizations in accordance with applicable requirements.

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